Germany Consulate in Bukavu
Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Congo (Democratic Republic) - Avenue Masikita 9 - Bukavu - Congo (Democratic Republic) Telephone: (+243) 998 67 00 33. Fax: E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.kinshasa.diplo.de. Consul: Michael Gebbers - Honorary Consul. Office Hours: By …
German missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Consul Honoraire de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, Avenue Masikita 9, Bukavu,Democratic Republic of Kongo Administrative / consular district Provinces North-Kivu and South-Kivu.
Honorarkonsuln in Bukavu und Lubumbashi - Auswärtiges Amt
Consul Honoraire de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, Avenue Masikita 9, Bukavu, Kongo, Demokratische Republik. Amtsbezirk / Konsularbezirk Provinzen Nord-Kivu und Süd-Kivu.
Konsulat von Deutschland in Bukavu - botschaft-konsulat.com
Das Deutsche Konsulat in Bukavu Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Congo (Democratic Republic) - Avenue Masikita 9 - Bukavu - Congo (Democratic Republic) Telefon: (+243) 998 67 00 33. Fax: Email: [email protected]. Webseite: www.kinshasa.diplo.de. Konsul: Michael Gebbers . Öffnungszeiten: By appointment
Democratic Republic of the Kongo: Democratic Rep. of the Congo ...
Telephone (German Honorary Consulate, Bukavu) (00243) 998 67 00 33 Information about the german Consulate in Bukavu Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Herr Michael Gebbers (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Provinzen Nord-Kivu und Süd-Kivu
Contacts et Adresses - Ministère fédéral des Affaires étrangères
Consul Honoraire de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, Avenue Masikita 9, Bukavu, Kongo, Demokratische Republik. Provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Sud-Kivu. Représentation supérieure: Ambassade de Kinshasa. Note: Si vous utilisez un fax/téléphone par satellite, les frais peuvent être nettement plus élevés. 1223 Avenue Lumumba, Commune de Lubumbashi.
Consulat Allemagne à Bukavu - ambassades.net
Consulat Allemagne à Bukavu Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Congo (Democratic Republic) - Avenue Masikita 9 - Bukavu - Congo (Democratic Republic) Téléphone: (+243) 998 67 00 33. Fax: E-mail: [email protected]. Site web: www.kinshasa.diplo.de. Consul: Michael Gebbers . Consulat Heures: Sur rendez-vous
German Honorary Consulate in Bukavu - Democratic Republic of …
(German Honorary Consulate, Bukavu) (00243) 998 67 00 33: Fax (German Honorary Consulate, Bukavu)-Email-Homepage-More Info. Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Herr Michael Gebbers (Honorarkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Provinzen Nord-Kivu und Süd-Kivu-----
Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
The consulate of Germany in Bukavu is located at Avenue Masikita 9 and can be contacted by telephone on 998 67 00 33 and by email [email protected]. The consulate of Germany in Bukavu is supervised by the embassy of Germany in Kinshasa .
Honorary Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Congo (Democratic Republic)
Aug 9, 2023 · View address, phone, consular jurisdiction, consular services, and honorary consul information. Please call the Honorary Consulate of Germany in Bukavu, Congo (Democratic Republic), at +243 998 67 00 33 to find out the current hours of operation and other details.