Fallow Deer Information & Facts | Dama Dama - World Deer - Deer …
Male Fallow Deer Appearance. Males, which are known as bucks, are larger and heavier in size than the females, or does. The bucks tend to have larger more muscular necks than the females. Bucks also carry antlers, which the does do not. The antlers grow afresh each year.
European fallow deer - Wikipedia
The European fallow deer (Dama dama), also known as the common fallow deer or simply fallow deer, is a species of deer native to Eurasia. It is one of two living species of fallow deer alongside the Persian fallow deer (Dama mesapotamica).
Fallow deer - Wikipedia
Fallow deer is the common name for species of deer in the genus Dama of subfamily Cervinae. [3] There are two living species, the European fallow deer ( Dama dama ), native to Europe and Anatolia , and the Persian fallow deer ( Dama mesapotamica ), native to the Middle East .
Fallow Deer - Facts and Beyond - Biology Dictionary
Jul 4, 2020 · The fallow deer (Dama dama) is a member of the Cervidae family, which includes deer, elk, reindeer, and related species. The male fallow deer is known for its large, shovel-shaped, palmate antlers, and a common color variation includes a …
Fallow Deer - Facts, Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle, Pictures, and More
Height: The male Fallow deer, called Bucks, are usually 84cm to 94cm in height. The female Fallow deer, called Does, are usually 73cm to 91cm in height. Length: This species is usually 4ft to 5ft in length. Body: Fallow deer is a quadruped creature. Its trunk rests on its four feet. Colour: Fallow deer has two colour phase. In summer, the ...
Fallow Deer - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting …
Stately, large Leucistic Fallow Deer, which resembles an albino, though it has black eyes and nose. This species of deer is relatively large, and the biggest males (bucks) can weigh up to 330 lbs. Most bucks stand 33 – 37 in. tall at the shoulder, while females (does) stand 30 – …
Fallow deer - The British Deer Society
Male fallow called bucks, females does and the young fawns. If you see a white deer it may well be a fallow as they have four main variations of coat which includes white: Common – tan/fawn, with white spotting on flanks and white rump patch outlined with black horseshoe shaped border.
Fallow deer - The Wildlife Trusts
The fallow deer is an elegant, medium-sized deer, with a typically spotted coat. Males have broad, palmate antlers. During the autumnal breeding season, known as the 'rut', males make a loud belly belch to proclaim their territory and fight over the females.
Deer Information - Red, Fallow, Muntjac & Roe Facts - Animal …
Male fallow deer (bucks) have ‘palmate’ antlers – a wider and flatter spread with less distinct tines than the red deer, these are broad and shaped like a shovel. Female fallow deer (does) do not have antlers.
Identifying fallow deer (Cervus (Dama) dama) - PestSmart
Mature males have wide flattened antlers. The tail flicks constantly while feeding. They have white heart-shaped markings on the rump. Fallow deer are a medium-sized deer species, with a highly variable coat colour. Their coat is predominantly fawn with some white spotting, or dark brown.