Breakthrough beefs up magnets for electric cars - EF News
"Most of those types of magnets tend to lose a lot of their magnetic energy at fairly modest temperatures and are operating at much less than half of their power by the time they reach 100 C to 125 C," he said. "So our challenge was to design a high-performance 2-14-1 permanent magnet alloy that would operate with good magnetic strength at 200 C."
Producing power requires energy - EF News
Most of the power generated in Ontario comes from conventional technology, which produces electricity by spinning conducting coils through a magnetic field. It takes a lot of spinning to light up a province. Traditionally, there have been two sources for that energy: Falling water, or hydroelectric power and steam, or thermal generation. Hydro:
Electricity Forum News - Substorm Study Could Help Protect Grids
Feb 17, 2007 · In Science, the team reports that the Feb. 26 substorm started when magnetic field lines reconnected far out in the tail, about a third of the distance from the moon. Magnetic energy was transformed into kinetic energy and heat, which caused the Northern Lights to flare.
Going green on the recharging road - EF News
Vehicles with sensor-driven magnetic devices on their underside suck up energy as they travel over the strips embedded a few centimeters (inches) under the road. "The technological concept behind the idea has been around for about 100 years.
Product Showcase - Electricity Forum
MAGNETO™, a powerful 2D/RS magnetic field solver offers cutting-edge electromagnetic design capabilities. Electromechanical devices such as actuators and motors, magnetic sensors, and any other application requiring fast and accurate magnetic field simulation are easy to simulate using MAGNETO™’s power and flexibility.
This Week's Solar Flare Illuminates the Grid's Vulnerability
NEW YORK - - A massive burst of solar wind that erupted from the sun Tuesday is expected to deliver only a "glancing blow" to the Earth's vulnerable magnetic field, NASA officials said yesterday. But it will preview what some experts call a potentially existential threat to the power grids of the United States and other nations, and the ...
The Push for Fusion Power Goes On - EF News
The shining bubble did not produce any significant energy, but perhaps someday it might, just like a star. A few small companies and maverick university laboratories, including this one at U.C.L.A. run by Seth Putterman, a professor of physics, are pursuing quixotic solutions for future energy, trying to tap the power of the Sun — hot ...
Electricity Forum - Search for Meters in the Industrial Electrical ...
Energy Storage; Electrical Substations ... Meters - Magnetic Field. Meters - Meter Units. Meters - micro ...
Solving superconductivity - EF News
That question has baffled physics researchers for more than 20 years. Solving this mystery has become somewhat of a quest because the answer holds immense potential for power transmission with no energy loss, super-fast levitating trains, powerful supercomputers, and a host of other applications.
Ocean power projects raise salmon concerns - EF News
TACOMA, WASHINGTON - The quest for green energy is increasingly focused on ocean power such as tidal and wave generators. But some scientists are raising concerns about whether those projects could interfere with salmon and other species with sensitive internal compasses.