General Douglas MacArthur | Famous Speeches | Japanese …
Sep 2, 2023 · Full-text and audio of General Douglas MacArthur's speech at the Japanese surrender ceremony September 2, 1945
General Douglas MacArthur | Famous Speeches |Phillipines Speech ...
Full-text and audio of General Douglas MacArthur's I Have Returned Speech to the People of the Philippines ...
Speech to West Point Cadets, May 12, 2023 - General Douglas …
May 12, 2023 · Speech to West Point Cadets, May 12, 2023 General Westmoreland, General Groves, distinguished guests, and gentlemen of the Corps: As I was leaving the hotel this morning, a doorman asked me, “Where are you bound for, General?” and when I replied, “West Point,” he remarked, “Beautiful place, have you ever been there before?”
MacArthur’s Great Milwaukee Homecoming - General Douglas …
After General MacArthur was relieved of his command by President Truman on April 5, 1951, invitations to events and ceremonies in the United States poured in. Governors, mayors, businessmen, community leaders and people across the nation expressed their admiration of the General and many agonized over the fallout between MacArthur and Truman ...
Educational Resources - General Douglas MacArthur
MacArthur You Tube Channel. Thanks to the tireless efforts of dedicated historians, key film footage of General MacArthur’s storied life — from his famous return to the Philippines to his final speech to Congress — have been preserved for posterity and published online.
PostWar Japan: 1945–1951 - General Douglas MacArthur …
Sep 2, 2023 · MacArthur specified that the new constitution must include limited monarchy, renunciation of war, and the abolition of feudalism. He added requirements of human rights, women’s rights, the rights of unions, and basic freedoms including free speech and freedom of the press as the document developed.
Jean Faircloth MacArthur - General Douglas MacArthur
Jan 22, 2023 · When General MacArthur died in 1964, Jean MacArthur stayed on at the Waldorf and was active in numerous philanthropic activities. She was also named Honorary Chairman of the General Douglas MacArthur Foundation in Norfolk, Virginia, and was intimately involved in the development of the MacArthur Memorial and Foundation.
MacArthur Week Speaker Biographies
Graduate of Marquette University and Marquette Law School. Co-Founder: Veterans Community Relations Team (VCRT), 2012 and VCRT MacArthur Forum, Inc. 2014. John P. Otjen. Lieutenant General U.S. Army, retired. 1964 graduate of West Point. His great grandfather, Milwaukee Congressman Theobald Otjen, appointed Douglas MacArthur to West Point in 1898.
General Douglas MacArthur | Biographical Timeline | General …
Biographical slideshow/timeline of key events in the life of General Douglas MacArthur.
About Navbar | General Douglas MacArthur Milwaukee Memorial
Timeline MacArthur Family Australian Alliance The Phillipines PostWar Japan Korean War Milwaukee Homecoming Jean F. MacArthur Marquette University War Memorial Center 1979 Memorial Week Biography Biographical Timeline