B pillar instalation : MGA Forum : The MG Experience
Apr 24, 2020 · Is there a write up on replacing the B Pillar somewhere? I am having trouble getting the pillar to line up with the rear fender and how the door closes. The is an old project that was worked on at a high school shop a long time ago. Most of the work that was done there 30 years ago was wrong and has to be removed.
Body B-Pillar (Latch Post), Moss Motors - mgaguru.com
Now nother problem with the Moss B-pillars. Paul G in Talking Rock, Georgia, USA reports: "When clamping to the EXACT 1/64" position of what was left of the original B, there are severe gaps to the rear of the B where it needs to be welded back to the body. Even pushing hard on the back side doesn't come close to contacting the body.
B pillar replacement problem : MGA Forum : The MG Experience
Jan 20, 2017 · Unfortunately I had to go with complete replacement of my B pillars. The attached photos show my problem. With a trial fit I am not sure if there is an issue with the Moss units or the original shape of the metal to the rear of the B.
A/B pillar and sill assembly : MGA Forum : The MG Experience
Jan 30, 2017 · My car came with these assemblies - purchased by the PO - and I had to cut them apart and rework them to get them to fit. I would look elsewhere for parts - there is another active thread about this with recommendations for better sources that Moss.
Door Latches and Striker Plates, MGA Coupe - MGA Guru
The striker plate is attached to the rear door post (B-pillar) with three screws (for the Coupe), two long screws at bottom and one shorter screw at top. These screws go through to a tapping plate inside the B-pillar. That tapping plate is inserted into a slot in the pillar from the inboard side.
MGA COUPE Part No: 456-163 Retail $209.99 Our Price $180.60 Suitable for MGA
MGA Restoration - Reassembling the Body Sills
For more restoration information you can go here: www.mgaguru.com/mgtech/restore.htm and check the links near the bottom of page for notes and pictures of restoration work on the Sebring MGA #43 and a Twin Cam called Ratty. These are both MGA Coupes, but virtually identical to the roadster in the body sills.
Repairing the sill and B pillar, MGA roadster restoration
I weld the new inner sill panels and box beam and repair the B pillar. Part of a series following the restoration of Dolly, my 1959 MGA roadster.
B-Pillar Question : MGA Forum : The MG Experience
Dec 14, 2021 · The roadster Front fender has a notch for the windscreen pillar, where the coupe just goes straight. As discussed, the door latches are different, so the rear fenders notches are different.
Structural Repairs - mgarestoration
Jul 14, 2014 · First full dry fix of inner sill /’B’ post repair panels. The new ‘B’ pillar is one of ‘Metal Micky’s’ (Sportscar Metalworks) better productions and is an excellent fit.