Did Luke retrieve his Lightsaber from second Death Star?
Nov 17, 2014 · At the end of Episode VI: ROTJ, Luke defiantly "hurls away" his lightsaber - according to both screenplay and novelization - before declaring "I am a Jedi, as my father was before me". I have just re-watched the scene, and can't see anywhere where that lightsaber fell in any of the shots, nor do I see a single shot where Luke would pick up his ...
What happened to Obi Wan's lightsaber after the duel between …
Canon. I don't think there is an answer in canon. Obi-Wan's lightsaber was left when Vader killed him. It may have been destroyed in the explosion of the Death Star, or Vader or someone else may have taken it (as in Legends), but its canon status after A New Hope is unknown.
How did Luke get his lightsaber back after A New Hope?
Mar 14, 2016 · After Vader kills Obi-Wan on the Death Star, his lightsaber falls at Vader's feet. Luke witnesses from a distance and escapes on the Falcon. The rest of the movie plays out, but that's the last we see of the blue lightsaber. The next time it appears, Luke is hacking himself free from the Wampa's clutches at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back.
Could a lightsaber deflect a laser blast from a TIE Fighter?
Sep 29, 2014 · In the EU novel Allegiance, Mara Jade uses her lightsaber to block a bolt fired by a scout walker, a considerably smaller vehicle than a Death Star, and similar in size to a TIE Fighter. While she succeeds in deflecting the blast, the kinetic force is so great it nearly wrenches the weapon from her hands.
Why does a lightsaber turn off when a Jedi dies or drops it?
Oct 9, 2011 · @Jared: The illusion in the cave is not Vader, but a representation of the evil potential within himself that Luke had to overcome. This is also the ONLY instance where a lightsaber has failed to exstinguish upon the holder's death - clearly showing us (though Luke didn't notice) that the threat it represented had NOT been defeated.
Why did Stormtroopers leave their stations to watch lightsaber …
Jan 9, 2019 · The only reason Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca were able to escape the Death Star is because the Stormtroopers left their stations and ran like kids to watch the lightsaber duel between Vader and Kenobi. Why didn't the stormtroopers act like professionals? If they were so interested, they could have watched a hologram or video of the duel later.
star wars - When did Darth Vader get his red lightsaber? - Science ...
Jan 27, 2017 · In Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, Anakin had a blue lightsaber. In Episode IV, A New Hope, he has a red lightsaber. Therefore, he acquired it in the 19 years between those two. As Wookieepedia says here: Darth Vader's lightsaber was …
Why didn't Luke use his lightsaber during his mission on the first ...
Jul 7, 2017 · Without this important defensive ability, if Luke had tried to kill a Stormtrooper on the Death Star with his new lightsaber, he would have been shot many times before taking his first swing. It was much easier for him to use a blaster, something he was more familiar with. For a more modern example, look at Finn from The Force Awakens.
Does the Death Star use Kyber crystals as fuel?
Dec 24, 2016 · Kyber crystals refract light, that is why they are used in lightsabers. They take the raw energy and direct it making the blade of a lightsaber. In the game "Star Wars the Force Unleashed" it actually showed the inside of the death star and explained how it worked to you. Granted, it is a game and not the movie but it is official so it has some ...
lightsaber - What explains the beam color of Death Star? - Science ...
Jan 3, 2017 · The crystals for Death Star were mined and taken directly by the Empire, not having undergone this process which is what caused the red color in Sith lightsabers: Dark crystals were made, too, but not in that holy place. They were plundered from their rightful bearers and corrupted by the hands that stole them.