Iron Age - Wikipedia
In Anatolia and the Caucasus, or Southeast Europe, the Iron Age began during the late 2nd millennium BC (c. 1300 BC). [2] . In the ancient Near East, this transition occurred simultaneously with the Late Bronze Age collapse, during the 12th century BC (1200–1100 BC).
Three-age system - Wikipedia
The three-age system is the periodization of human prehistory (with some overlap into the historical periods in a few regions) into three time-periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, [1] [2] although the concept may also refer to …
Iron Age Europe - Wikipedia
In Central Europe, the Iron Age is generally divided in the early Iron Age Hallstatt culture (HaC and D, 800–450 BC) and the late Iron Age La Tène culture (beginning in 450 BC).
The Late Iron Age - National Museum of Denmark
The period between 400 and 800 AD is known as the Late Iron Age and can be divided into two parts: the Early Germanic Iron Age (400 - 550 AD), also called the Migration Period, and the Late Germanic Iron Age (550 - 800 AD). A rich Nordic art of animal styles developed during this period.
Iron Age | Definition, History, Technology, & Facts | Britannica
Mar 15, 2025 · The Iron Age was the final technological and cultural stage in the Stone–Bronze–Iron Age sequence. The date of the full Iron Age, in which this metal, for the most part, replaced bronze in implements and weapons, varied geographically, beginning in the Middle East and southeastern Europe about 1200 BCE but in China not until about 600 BCE.
History of Europe - Iron Age, Celts, Germanic Tribes | Britannica
History of Europe - Iron Age, Celts, Germanic Tribes: During most of the Middle and Late Bronze Age, iron was present, albeit scarce. It was used for personal ornaments and small knives, for repairs on bronzes, and for bimetallic items.
Iron Age Burials and their Reflection of Social Difference
By the late Iron Age, most individuals were buried as articulated inhumations (Redfern 2008, 281). Cremation was also present throughout the Iron Age, but it became the predominant convention in the later Pre-Roman Iron Age (Harding 2016, 8).
The Birth of a New Age – The Iron Age – Scandinavian Archaeology
May 29, 2022 · Late in the Iron Age, a huge natural disaster devastated much of the Scandinavian population, contributing to another great upheaval of Nordic society and leaving an indelible mark on its mythology, possibly birthing the myth of Fimbulwinter and influencing the tale of Ragnarök.
Iron Age - HISTORY
Jan 3, 2018 · The Iron Age was a period in human history that started between 1200 B.C. and 600 B.C. During the Iron Age, people across much of Europe, Asia and parts of Africa began making tools and...
Lindow Man| Forensic analysis of Lindow man|Lindow man
Lindow Man is a human male who lived in Britain during the late Iron Age and died approximately 2,000 years ago. His body was discovered in a peat bog near the village of Lindow in Cheshire, England in 1984.