Development of laser ice-curring apparatus
The advantage of carbon-dioxide, laser cutting systems is that the beam is emitted at an infrared wave-length, which is absorbed in a very short distance in ice. We were able to demonstrate conclusively that the laser beam can cut cleanly and rapidly through both firn and ice and that it can be manipulated efficiently with standard optical systems.
Cutting speed and behaviors of ice using Yb-doped fiber laser
Dec 1, 2024 · An investigation is made herein on the cutting of ice using a Yb-doped fiber laser emitting at a wavelength of 1070 nm, the most extensively developed and highest power fiber laser technology, in pulsed and continuous-wave operation.
Can a Laser Cut Ice? - YouTube
Laser cutting ice with RetnaSmelter9000 (80W). Ice cuts really well.
Laser Cutting of Ice - Optical Micro+Nanosystems Group
Our first foray to answering this question: freeze some tap water into small cylinders of ice (very roughly 15 mm in diameter), laser-cut–on the same machine!–some acrylic forms to hold these tiny ice cores over a glass meltwater-catching plate, and try some cutting.
Cutting speed and behaviors of ice using Yb-doped fiber laser
Dec 1, 2024 · Sequences of millisecond-regime 500 W pulses of 1070 nm laser light have been demonstrated to easily and effectively cut tap-water ice samples, producing a linear vertical slot which promotes rapid self-evacuation of meltwater.
Collaborative Research: Laser Cutting Technology for Borehole …
The use of modern laser technology provides low vibration for brittle ice, eliminates contamination from physical cutting blades, reduces mechanical complexity, and allows new samples to be retrieved from scientifically-interesting depths more quickly, cheaply, and easily than ever before.
The advantage of carbon-dioxide, laser cutting systems is that the beam is emitted at an infrared wave-length, which is absorbed in a very short distance in ice. We were able to demonstrate conclusively that the laser beam can cut cleanly and rapidly through both firn and ice and that it can be manipulated efficiently with standard optical systems.
Trotec Laser: Laser Cut Ice Video - YouTube
Stay cool this summer with this fun laser application! See how our Speedy Series flatbed laser glides through ice.-------------------------------------------...
Laser Cutting to Collect Ice Samples in Boreholes
Our first foray to answering this question: freeze some tap water into small cylinders of ice (~15 mm in diameter), laser-cut—on the same machine!—some acrylic forms to hold these tiny ice cores over a glass meltwater-catching plate, and try some cutting.
CO2 Laser Cutting Ice - YouTube
Feb 26, 2008 · 45W CO2 Laser with a focused beam cutting a block of ice.