Hen with Labored Breathing - BackYard Chickens
Jun 21, 2007 · I have RIR who is 1.5. She has heavy labored breathing. Her poop is normal. There is no discharge from her nose. Her waddle and comb are pale and her tail is down. She seems to be alert other than she seems to have exaggerated breathing. She is eating and drinking. Her crop seems to be a normal...
Hen Heavy Breathing | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Jul 5, 2007 · My hen is also having some similar issues, heavy breathing, and and tail moving while she’s breathing. She’s been breathing heavily for quite a while. She often sits instead of walking around, but that’s probably just from her bad leg (she’s had a limp since we got her) sometimes she shuts her eyes while she’s sitting.
Hen with labored breathing - BackYard Chickens
Apr 16, 2024 · Three days ago I noticed my hen was roosting out side the coop in the sick hen stance with her tail down, but I’ve been checking her and her comb and eyes look good, I checked her crop and she’s not bloated. I’ve been be try busy and leaving before light so I haven’t seen if she’s eating pellets...
Duck with labored breathing - BackYard Chickens
Nov 22, 2020 · I've got a two-year-old Swedish blue duck that's having some sort of respiratory problem. Her breathing is very labored: you can see her body contract when she exhales, especially when she's laying down, and she opens and closes her mouth slightly with every breath. It's been going on nearly two...
Hen with swollen abdomen, labored breathing, but otherwise …
Jul 27, 2019 · Hello chicken people! It’s been a while since I posted on here, but alas, I once again have a chicken health issue. I have a Rhode Island Red hen, 2 years old, with some issues. Her abdomen is swollen and is a little on the firm side (it isn’t hard, but not super squishy - I can gently poke at...
hen with labored breathing, waddling, worms and mites?!
Aug 23, 2023 · Have a Calico Princess hen ("Kali" - 2 years old) who gets around the chicken run during the day, but I have noticed her belly is very big and low & she seems to struggle with breathing. I hadn't realized she was missing so many feathers on her bottom and her belly underneath until today. Had...
Baby chick is extremely lethargic and breathing heavy
Mar 6, 2017 · The heavy breathing may be symptom of the internal system failure. What kind of vitamins are you using? Empty crop, not pecking at food at 8-10 days old, can't survive. You can try tube feeding to get some energy on board. That's beyond my current skill set. And since I breed for vigor I won't go that far to save a chick as I don't want the weakness in my flock. But …
Green poop and labored breathing - BackYard Chickens
May 7, 2021 · They also have labored breathing, and sometimes they open their mouth and it sounds like wheezing while stretching their neck out. They are also tired, but they will move around for a few and then go to sleep.
labored breathing | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Aug 13, 2024 · First i thought i witness her having siezures, then more recently i noticed she sometimes has very labored breathing like she's opening her mouth very wide and sticking her tongue out.
Labored breathing Isa Brown - BackYard Chickens
Apr 11, 2022 · almost 3 yrs old, late afternoon yesterday, I found my Isa Brown hen sitting on roost bar when rest of flock was out free-ranging. She had a droopy tail, droopy comb, and labored breathing. Several times, I offered her scrambled egg and yogurt where she was and she only took a little nibble...