What do king cobra babies have in common with human babies?
Oct 8, 2023 · It lays 40-50 eggs in a nest.a king cobra has about 40 to 50 babies. Is a king cobra cannibalistic?
How long does a king cobra stay with its babies? - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · Female King Cobras lay up to 20 to 50 eggs. The eggs are usually white. The female King Cobra will do anything to protect its eggs, even if it has to attack one of the strongest animals.
How long do king cobra babies stay with their parents? - Answers
Baby raccoons feed exclusively on the mother's milk for the first 6-8 weeks of life. Then they are old enough to go on foraging expeditions with the mother., They continue to nurse to a lesser extent.
How many babies a cobra have each time it gives birth? - Answers
a king cobra has about 40 to 50 babies. Wiki User. ∙ 6y ago. This answer is:
Does a King Cobra have live babies or does it lay eggs? - Answers
The king cobra lays eggs. Wiki User. ∙ 14y ago. This answer is:
What are some of the king cobras physical adaptation? - Answers
Some of the king cobra's physical adaptations are its color, fangs, and size. Its color, which are brown, beige, and black, help a snake to blend in or hide n its habitat. A cobra's large size can ...
Who would win in a fight a black panther or a king cobra
Oct 8, 2023 · The black mamba is probably the fastest snake, but I would select the king cobra in a fight. The king cobra is a specialist hunter of other snakes while the mamba feeds namely on birds and small ...
King snake vs indigo snake? - Answers
Aug 10, 2023 · Indigo snakes are larger than king snakes.A king snake normally grows 3-4 feet and the maximum length reaching 8-9 feet. An indigo snake normally grows to 5-6 feet and its maximum length can row ...
Who would win banded krait vs King cobra? - Answers
Oct 8, 2023 · The viper. THE FIGHT; A King Cobra slithers down a tree while a bamboo pit viper hides in the leaves. The cobra surrounds him but doesn't notice him. At the right time, the viper strikes. The ...
How does a king cobra kill its prey? - Answers
The king cobra can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m), and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with ...