Traditional khaen playing is based on five melodic modes (lai), each with characteristic drones and idiomatic melodic figures. These five modes are shown here in their most
Khaen For Composers | PDF | Pitch (Music) | Mode (Music) - Scribd
khaen-for-composers - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
The notes on any given kaen can be found in (and are a subset of) Western music; The notes are tuned to exactly one scale -- the major (diatonic) scale. That is, it contains tones (whole step) and semitones (half-step), where the interval
Learn to Play the Lao Khaen ແຄນ แคน for Beginners ... - YouTube
Apr 22, 2014 · There are seven notes on the khaen and each note has different octaves. There is a chart you can refer to in the beginning of the video. If you want to learn more and are serious about getting...
Note Frequency Chart (Pitch to Note) - muted.io
Reference chart for musical notes and their frequencies in Hz (hertz). The reference tone is A4, at 440 Hz. A simple way to get the pitch of different notes.
The Classical Free-Reed, Inc. History of Asian Free-Reed …
The khaen (also spelled kaen, khene, ken, can and khen) is the Laotian mouth organ; a raft-shaped instrument whose pipes are arranged in two parallel rows. It is the most important instrument of Laos and Northeast Thailand, as it is the most refined in …
Khaen - Asza
The complex note arrangements of the khaen allow for a good player to play a melody, countermelody, chords and rhythm simultaneously, and as such the khaen is perhaps the most versatile instrument of the Asian free-reed family.
Laos: playing the Khene - istov.de
A good Khene player (called "mo khene") should know at least 18 variations for each song he/she performs. The instrument gets rarely used to play solo, mostly performs in duets accompanying the singer or in ensembles, even consisting of up to six Khen (" wong ").
The khaen (pronounced “can”) is related to other Asian free-reed mouth organs, such as the Chinese sheng, Japanese sho, and Korean saenghwang. It is also played by some of the upland and minority ethnic groups in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Learn more about the khaen tradition in this short article for the Center for World Music.
Lao/Issan Khaen - Musical Artifacts
Jan 15, 2024 · This is a soundfont of a free-reed aerophone (same family as accordions and melodicas) from Northeast Thailand and Laos, known as the Khaen. It is part of a family of instruments known as mouth organs.