kendo-sport - Der kompetente Kendo-Onlineshop.
Ausrüstungen für japanisches Kendo, Iaido und Aikido. Angeboten werden komplette Kendo-Rüstungen für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene sowie Shinai, Hakama, Gi ...
Washing Hakama and Gi - Washing tips from kendo-sport
We at kendo-sport have a large selection of Hakama and Gi in our shop . We are happy to advise you!
Iaido-Clothing Set - kendo-sport.de
Iaido-Clothing Set: Our Iaido-Set for beginner and advanced contains one Hakama, a Gi, a Shitagi and an Obi. Hakama black made of 100% Tetron . Tetron is a new high quality plasic fibre, specifically designed to keep low the static charge of the fibre. This way the agglutination of the clothes, known from plasic ...
Catalog kendo-sport - english
Catalog kendo-sport - english: We deliver our printed catalog with your next order. Language: English With this catalog you get an overview of our entire assortment. You will also learn about the different techniques of kendo armor production …
Shinai - kendo-sport
Shinai: We put particular care to the quality of our Shinais. One cannot overlook it during intensive training and, above all, during kendo tournaments. Therefore, we are proud to present a unique handmade Shinai, that you can only acquire at Kendo-sport. All the Shinais you find here are completely mounted and ...
Fastening the Tenugui - kendo-sport
Fastening the Tenugui: 1. To put on the Tenugui (headscarf), lay it out in front of your face. 2. pull it carefully over your head until the lower edge lies below the back of your head. 3. Then guide the ends again individually around to the front of your head so that they cross level with your ...
Kendo Club in Hamburg - kendo-sport
General Terms and Conditions of Business of Kendo-sport; Address; Sitemap; Cookie Settings; Information. Washing Hakama and Gi; Hakama - find the right length; Kendo Dojo List in Europe; Kendo Infotech; Fit your plastic tsuba to the bokken; Putting on the Hakama; General about Kendo Clothing;
Putting on the Men - kendo-sport.de
Notice: From the knots, hanging down from the back of the head, the bows and ends should have the same length, a maximum of 40 cm (from the knots to the ends).New Himo are longer when you first get them, and they are expandable. These must be shortened. Be sure to ensure through sewing or pasting the ends of the Himo that they do not split open.
Putting on the Do - kendo-sport
Putting on the Do: 1. The next piece of armour to be put on is the Do. It is to be pressed to your chest with your hand so that the bottom edge of the Do overlaps with about half of the Tare band. 2. First, cross the upper Do Himo, guide it above the shoulder and fasten it …
Handbag Junko green - kendo-sport.de
kendo-sport Steinbücheler Weg 80 51061 Köln Deutschland E-Mail: [email protected] . Bokken. Handbag Junko small. 29,90 € ...