Ship BISHU MARU (LNG Tanker) Registered in Panama
Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of BISHU MARU including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9691137, MMSI 374216000, Call sign 3FSS4.
BISHU MARU, LNG Tanker - Details and current position - VesselFinder
The current position of BISHU MARU is at East Asia reported 18 days ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to ID_TGG, sailing at a speed of 10.4 knots and expected to arrive there on Jan 10, 21:00. The vessel BISHU MARU (IMO 9691137, MMSI 374216000) is a LNG Tanker built in 2017 (8 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Panama. CHRIS.
BISHU MARU LNG Tanker, IMO 9691137 - Marine Vessel Traffic
Vessel BISHU MARU is a lng tanker ship sailing under the flag of Panama. Her IMO number is 9691137 and MMSI number is 374216000. Main ship particulars are length of 293 m and beam of 48 m.
BISHU MARU, LNG carrier, IMO 9691137 - BalticShipping.com
BISHU MARU is a LNG carrier built in 2017 by KAWASAKI SAKAIDE WORKS - SAKAIDE, JAPAN. Currently sailing under the flag of Panama. Formerly also known as KAWASAKI SAKAIDE 171. It's gross tonnage is 127088 tons.
BISHU MARU - LNG / Large - Maritime Optima
BISHU MARU built in 2017 is a LNG / Large vessel. IMO: 9691137, MMSI: 374216000, Callsign: 3FSS4, Category: LNG / 83752, and is sailing under the flag of Panama.
BISHU MARU - K Marine Ship Management
Name IMO No. GT DWT Flag Vessel Type Built; BISHU MARU: 9691137: 127088: 83752: PANAMA: LNG: 2017
中部電力向け新造LNG船 “BISHU MARU(尾州丸)”と命名
中部電力向け新造LNG船 “BISHU MARU(尾州丸)”と命名. 本日、中部電力向け新造LNG船 (*1)の命名式が、川崎重工業坂出工場において執り行われました。 本船は、多くの関係者の見守る中、傭船者である中部電力代表取締役社長の勝野哲氏により、「BISHU MARU(尾州丸)」と命名されました。 船名は、中部電力のLNG受入基地がある愛知県西部の旧国名「尾張国」に由来します。 また1983年に、同じく川崎重工業坂出工場で竣工した、日本船社初のLNG船で当 …
BISHU MARU LNG Tanker, IMO 9691137, MMSI 374216000, Call …
BISHU MARU built in 2017 (7 years ago) is a vessel in the LNG Tanker segment. Its IMO number is 9691137 and the current MMSI number is 374216000. The vessel has callsign 3FSS4.
BISHU MARU - vesseltracker.com
Details for the ship Bishu Maru , IMO 9691137, Tankship, Position Timor Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltracker.com.
BISHU MARU Gas Carrier Ship - IMO 9691137 / MMSI 374216000 …
Feb 26, 2025 · Track BISHU MARU (IMO 9691137, MMSI 374216000), a PA (Panama)-flagged LNG Carrier. Stay updated on its position, speed, and voyage details