Jose R. Carreras, MD | DHR Health | Edinburg Hospital & ER
Carreras offers a complete range of orthopedic services and orthopedic surgery to the Rio Grande Valley. He offers services for joint pain relief, back pain relief, bone fractures, knee and hip replacements, tendon or ligament injuries, herniated discs and dislocations.
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD - Pain Management Specialist in Mission, …
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD is a pain management specialist in Mission, TX. He is affiliated with Doctors Hospital at Renaissance. He is not accepting new patients.
Dr Jose Carreras, Orthopedic Surgery | Mission, TX | WebMD
Dr Jose Carreras, is an Orthopedic Surgery specialist practicing in Mission, TX with 49 years of experience. This provider currently accepts 15 insurance plans. New patients are welcome.
Jose Carreras, MD, Orthopaedic Surgery - WellMed
Jose Carreras, MD is affiliated with WellMed and specializes in Orthopaedic Surgery in Mission, TX
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD | Orthopedic Surgeon in Mission, TX
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD is a board certified Orthopedic Surgeon in Mission, TX with over 40 years of experience. Learn more about Dr. Carreras, practice locations, insurances accepted, and read reviews on Everyday Health-CARE.
Jose R. Carreras V, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon in Mission, TX - MD…
Dr. Jose Carreras is an orthopedic surgeon in Mission, TX. He treats conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Accepting New Patients? Yes, Dr. Jose R. Carreras is accepting new …
Dr. Jose R Carreras V - General Orthopedic Surgeon in Mission, TX
Dr. Jose R Carreras V is a Mission, Texas based male orthopedic surgeon with 49 years of experience in Orthopedic Surgery. He completed his graduation from Other in 1976. He is also affiliated with hospitals like Doctors Hospital At Renaissance …
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD | Pain Management in Mission, TX - FindCare
Dr. Jose Carreras, MD is a Pain Management Specialist in Mission, TX. Find hours, address, contact information, education, and more. Book an appointment.
DR. JOSE R CARRERAS V MD - NPI 1801889324 - Orthopaedic …
Aug 30, 2005 · DR. JOSE R CARRERAS V MD NPI 1801889324 Orthopaedic Surgery in Mission, TX. Quality Rating: 67.65 out of 100 score. NPI Status: Active since August 30, 2005
Jose R Carreras, MD - Driscoll Health Plan
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