Jessica Carradine (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Jessica believed that Spider-Man planted evidence on her father to frame him for Ben Parker's murder. After he was released from jail, Jessica said that he tried to start a new and honest life …
Spider-Man Once Dated the Daughter of Uncle Ben’s Killer - Screen Rant
Jan 20, 2020 · In a brief scene in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3, Peter Parker sees a mug shot of his Uncle Ben’s killer, which offers the name “Dennis Carradine.” A clear reference to Jessica …
Jessica Carradine (Character) - Comic Vine
Jessica Carradine Character » Jessica Carradine appears in 23 issues . Jessica was a photographer for the Daily Bugle and a daughter of the burglar that shot Uncle Ben.
Underrated Spider-Man issue: The Ultimate Responsibility from ... - Reddit
Jul 16, 2022 · The story focuses on a character Jurgens created named Jessica Carradine. Jessica was a photographer who quickly became a love interest for Ben Reilly. She had a hate …
The History of Spider-Man: 1996 | Marvel
Jan 20, 2018 · Jessica Carradine became even more conflicted over Ben in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #6, Ben believed Peter’s sickness stemmed from clone degeneration in …
Carradine, Jessica [in Characters] @ SpiderFan.org
Jessica Carradine was Ben Reilly 's girlfriend. Before she and Ben even met, it was clear that she and Spidey had a history together. Going for a walk one night, Jessica saw Ben swing away …
Spider-Tracer: Along Came a Burglar... - Spider Man Crawlspace
Mar 9, 2021 · Wanting to prove that Spider-Man was a menace, Jessica followed Spider-Man around with her camera until she eventually caught him in the act of unmasking. She was …
The Burglar [in Characters] @ SpiderFan.org
Jessica Carradine, Dutch Mallone (in his sleep). Known Relatives: Jessica Carradine (daughter), Unnamed brother (Peter's dentist, seen in Marvel Comics Presents #49-50 as a member of …
Jessica Carradine (Earth-616) - Marvel Comics - League of Comic …
Jessica Carradine was Ben Reilly's girlfriend. Before she and Ben even met, it was clear that she and Spider-Man had a history together. Going for a walk one night, Jessica saw Ben swing …
What is Spider-Man: Web of Carnage? | Don't Tell Harry
Mar 24, 2021 · Ben Reilly is experiencing problems with his girlfriend, Jessica Carradine. She appears to be obsessed with Spider-Man and he isn’t quite sure why. Jessica believes her …