The Jesse Tree: A Guide to the Advent Tradition - Faithward.org
Jesse Tree is a way of preparing for Advent by journeying through the stories on Jesus’s family tree. Each day of Advent, read a Bible story about someone on Jesus’s family tree and hang an ornament symbolizing the story on your Jesse Tree.
How to Make a Jesse Tree - Faithward.org
Each day, you hang an ornament on your Jesse Tree to symbolize a different Bible story about one of Jesus’s ancestors, until you reach the birth of Jesus on December 25. There are many different ways to make a Jesse Tree.
Jesse Tree Symbols and Bible Stories - Faithward.org
A complete list of Jesse Tree symbols and the Bible stories that they represent, including enough symbols for each day of Advent.
Jesse Tree Personal Advent Devotions - Faithward.org
These daily devotions follow the Jesse Tree, which is a way of journeying through Advent that traces the lineage of Jesus. The Jesse Tree refers to an image in Isaiah 11, in which Jesus is compared to a shoot sprouting from the stump of the tree of his ancestor Jesse.
The Jesse Tree Story: A Family Advent Devotional - Faithward.org
Dec 1, 2011 · Each devotion in this family Advent devotional invites you into the story of someone on Jesus’s family tree. These devotions will show young children how God was preparing for Jesus to be born across many generations. Each story pairs with a symbol you can hang on your own Jesse Tree.
Printable Jesse Tree Ornaments - Faithward.org
Each ornament in our printable set of Jesse Tree ornaments represents a story about someone on Jesus’s family tree. Together these symbols show how God prepared for Jesus to be born for many generations.
How to Make Jesse Tree Ornaments - Faithward.org
This popular take on the Jesse Tree Advent tradition helps you trace how God’s plan for Jesus to arrive on earth unfolded over many generations. Making your own Jesse Tree ornaments is a great way to deepen your engagement with each Bible story.
Jesse Tree Advent Event Plan for Churches - Faithward.org
Hold a Jesse Tree Advent event to begin the season of Advent in your church. Make ornaments and share in a time of worship focused on a Jesse Tree theme.
The Jesse Tree Story Advent Devotional - Faithward.org
That little branch is Jesus. He’s coming from the stump of his great-great-way-back-great-grandpa, Jesse. For the rest of Advent, we’re going to hear more stories about the people in Jesus’s family history and about how they helped God bring new life to his people.
Jesse Tree Coloring and Scripture Advent Calendar
This Jesse Tree-inspired Christian Advent calendar has Scripture readings and pictures to color from December 1 through Christmas Day.