Catholic parishes in Ireland - John Grenham
Catholic parishes in Ireland. Search. Parishes . Tap here for all maps. Tap a county below to see its Catholic parishes. Civil parish maps; RC parish maps; RC and civil overlaid NEW; Poor Law Union maps; DEDs NEW; Institutions in 1911; Barony maps NEW.
Civil parishes - John Grenham
Irish Ancestors. Surnames; Placenames; Browse; Ancestors; Blog; Wizard; Login; Tap here for all maps. Tap a county below to see its civil parishes. Civil parish maps; RC parish maps; RC and civil overlaid NEW; Poor Law Union maps; DEDs NEW; Institutions in 1911; Barony maps NEW.
Catholic Parish Map Confession – John Grenham – Irish Roots
Jan 3, 2024 · We just put up much-improved maps of the Catholic parishes of Ireland, the usual all-singing, all-dancing, zoomable, click-through, will do your laundry on request, with a nice auto-complete search. Have a gander .
Irish Ancestors: Mayo Roman Catholic records - John Grenham
Click on a parish for details of its records. Hold the mouse pointer over the parish to see variant names. Click on a county name to view its parish map.
Weird and wonderful civil parish maps – John Grenham – Irish Roots
Jul 14, 2023 · Irish civil parishes are strange beasts. For good or ill, knowing about them is essential for Irish research. They came into existence, as simple parishes, after the twelfth century attempt to tame the exotic Irish church and bring it into line with Roman norms.
Westmeath civil parishes - John Grenham
Irish Ancestors. Surnames; Placenames; Browse; Ancestors; Blog; Wizard; Login; Westmeath civil parishes. Tap for all maps. Civil parish maps; RC parish maps; RC and civil overlaid NEW; Poor Law Union maps; DEDs NEW; Institutions in 1911; Tap here for a list, or tap a name on the map. Ardnurcher, or Horseleap;
Dublin Catholic parishes - John Grenham
Irish Ancestors. Surnames; Placenames; Browse; Ancestors; Blog; Wizard; Login; Dublin Catholic parishes. Tap for other maps. Civil parish maps; RC parish maps; RC and civil overlaid NEW; Poor Law Union maps; DEDs NEW; Institutions in 1911; Barony maps NEW. Tap here for a list. Tap a name on the map for its record listing. Tap a name below to ...
Roscommon civil parishes - John Grenham
Roscommoncivil parishes mapped. Tap here for a list, or tap a name on the map.
Mayo civil parishes - John Grenham
Tap here for a list, or tap a name on the map. Achill; Addergoole; Aghagower; Aghamore; Aglish; Annagh; Ardagh; Attymass; Balla; Ballinchalla
Tipperary civil parishes - John Grenham
Tipperarycivil parishes mapped. Tap here for a list, or tap a name on the map.