Ion Man (Earth-982) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Ion Man was engineered by Hope Pym to become the ultimate assassin. His first mission was to kill Dr. Cassandra Lang. He attacked LangLabs only to be confronted by the visiting Mainframe. He easily used his powers to slice through Mainframe, only to …
Ion Man (Earth-982) - Marvel Comics - League of Comic Geeks
Learn more about Ion Man from Marvel Comics. Read their character history, track their comic appearances and more.
Category:Earth-982/Characters | Marvel Database | Fandom
Characters that originate from Earth-982 reality. (To add characters to this list enter "Earth-982" in the "Universe" field of its template.) Characters · Items · Locations · Organizations · Races · Teams · Vehicles
Category:Earth-982 | Marvel-Microheroes Wiki | Fandom
Gene Thompson (Eugene Thompson, Jr.) (Earth-982) Golden Goblin (Phil Urich) H Headcase (MC2) Hercules (MC2) I Impact II; Ion Man; Iron Despot; J J2 (Zane Yama) John Jameson (Earth-982) Jolt (MC2) Jubilee (MC2) K Kaine (MC2) Killerwatt; L Lady Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) (MC2) Ladyhawk (Rosetta & Regina Morgan)
Ion Man (Unknown | Revengers | Earth-982) (Comic Book Character)
Ion Man aka Unknown | Revengers | Earth-982 appears 10 times in the CBR database
Ion Man | Marvel-Microheroes Wiki | Fandom
Earth-982; Revengers (MC2) I; Ion Man. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) Categories Categories: Characters; MC2; Revengers; Earth-982; Revengers (MC2) I; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Fantasy; Sci-fi; Marvel ...
Spartan vs Ion Man (Earth-982) - Superhero Database
Superhero Battle #470484: Spartan versus Ion Man (Earth-982). Who will win in a fight between Spartan and Ion Man (Earth-982)?
Ion Man (Earth-982)/Gallery | Marvel Database | Fandom
Gallery of all notable images of Ion Man (Earth-982) on the database. (If you create a gallery or add image (s) to existing one, please follow our Gallery Guidelines). Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Turn …
Ion (Voletta Todd, Machine Man foe) - marvunapp.com
The extreme cold of the ice box returned Ion to her human form and Machine Man defeated her with a punch to the jaw. He left her there with instructions that she be cryogenically frozen until a cure could be found for her condition.
Mainframe (Earth-982) | Marvel Database | Fandom
When Iron Man decided to retire from the hero business, he didn't want to let his legacy end with him, so he designed an android patterned after his Iron Man armor. He called his robotic warrior Mainframe. Mainframe was brought online when trolls attacked a …