Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
RAPTOR identification is a website built with the purpose of providing extensive, detailed, and updated information about the European raptor species. We have compiled ID-collages and written ID-notes to help you understand the different plumages and ages of the species and be able to identify very similar species.
Introduction to Identication – Raptor Identification – The complete ...
The raptors of the western Palearctic have different moulting strategies which can be categorized into two. The first one, followed by the majority of raptors as includes Accipitridae (all raptors except falcons) and Pandionidae (osprey), starts by replacing the most inner primary (p1) and continues neatly towards the outer part of the wing so ...
Raptors – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
All Atlas Long-legged Buzzard Bearded Vulture Black-winged kite Bonelli's Eagle Booted Eagle Eastern Long-legged Buzzard Greater Spotted Eagle Lesser Kestrel Long-legged Buzzard Montagu's Harrier Pallid Harrier Rough-legged Buzzard Rüppell’s Griffon Vulture Western Osprey
Buzzards – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Status: Migratory. The wintering grounds of the European populations ranges from West of UK and Southern Sweden, to the North of France, Italy and Greece, extending towards the northernmost area of the Black and Caspian Sea up to Eastern Russia, Korea, China and Taiwan. On rough winters, with a lot of snow in Central Europe, these populations may reach the Iberian peninsula, where they have a ...
Eagles – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Jul 14, 2021 · Identification of second and third plumages in Short-toed Snake Eagle. www.raptoridentification.com Short-toed Snake Eagle displays four plumages that can be identified in field, namely juvenile, 2nd, 3rd and adult plumage.
Vultures – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Greater and primary coverts from white to an almost black feather, but always entirely pale fringe. Upperwing plain, uniform griffon/sandy except dark greater coverts with a visible pale fringe. Abstract from: Rodríguez, G. & Elorriaga, J. 2016. Identification of Rüpell’s Vulture and White-backed Vulture and vagrancy in the WP. Dutch ...
Western Osprey – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Bibliography: STRANDBERG R. 2013. Ageing, sexing and subspecific identification of Osprey, and two WP records of American Osprey. Dutch Birding 35: 69-87.
Greater Spotted Eagle – Raptor Identification – The complete …
Bibliography: LONTKOWSKI, J. & MACIOROWSKI, G. 2010. Identification of juvenile Greater Spotted Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle and hybrids. Dutch Birding 32: 384-397 MACIOROWSKI, G. LONTKOWSKI, J. & MIZERA, T. 2014. The Spotted Eagle – Vanishing Bird of the Marshes. Unigraf. Poznán.
Eagles – Page 2 – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Status: It is basically a trans-Saharan migrant, arriving in Europe to nest between the end of March and April, leaving for Africa between the end of August and October. Some autumns are marked by a variable number of individuals migrating northwards, due to the bad weather conditions encountered in the Strait of Gibraltar. In this way, they perform a loop migration, moving to Africa via Italy ...
Notes – Raptor Identification – The complete raptors guide
Identification of Pallid Harrier. Part I: first plumage. Key characters to distinghish the differences with Montagu’s Harrier in 1cy autumn (fresh plumage) and 2cy spring (worn plumage)