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Bored? Press the Bored Button!
Clicking the red button will instantly take you to one of hundreds of interactive websites specially selected to alleviate boredom. So go ahead and give it a try. Press the Bored Button and be …
Solve Emoji Quizzes - Bored Button
Solve emoji quizzes. And then do a bunch of other fun things on Bored Button™.
Tell Them So - Bored Button
Tell them so. And then do a bunch of other fun things on Bored Button™.
Add a Website to Bored Button
Do you know an interactive website that will help cure boredom? Add it to Bored Button ™. Tell us about it! All fields required.
Go Deep - Bored Button
Go deep. And then do a bunch of other fun things on Bored Button™.
Bored Button
google.com, pub-8073186300309643, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 #BuySellAds Inc #https://optimizeads.net/ #AppNexus appnexus.com, 8394, DIRECT, f5ab79cb980f11d1 …