Evolution of the human birth canal - American Journal of …
Originating from the evolution of bipedality and the large human brain million years ago, the evolution of the human birth canal has been characterized by complex trade-off dynamics …
Human variation in the shape of the birth canal is significant and ...
The human birth canal shows a tight fit with the size of the neonate, which can lead to obstetric complications. This is not the case in other apes, and has been explained as the outcome of …
Human Birth Canals Are Seriously Twisted. Researchers Think They…
Nov 1, 2021 · There's an odd twist to human physiology not seen in any other primate that makes giving birth more complicated for our species. Now, a study using biomechanical modelling on …
Evolution of the human birth canal - PubMed
Originating from the evolution of bipedality and the large human brain million years ago, the evolution of the human birth canal has been characterized by complex trade-off dynamics …
The evolution of pelvic canal shape and rotational birth in humans
Oct 11, 2021 · Our results provide a novel evolutionary explanation for the twisted shape of the human birth canal.
The evolution of the human pelvis: changing adaptations to …
A human infant must perform a series of twists and turns during parturition to enable the widest dimensions of its body to pass through the changing dimensions of the maternal birth canal, a …
Birth canal | anatomy | Britannica
…the pelvis functions as the birth canal in females. The pelvis provides attachment for muscles that balance and support the trunk and move the legs, the hips, and the trunk. In the human …
Why Do Humans Possess a Twisted Birth Canal? Unraveling
Nov 15, 2021 · The relatively narrow human birth canal presumably evolved as a “compromise” between its abilities for parturition, support of the inner organs, and upright walking. But not …
Women’s birth canals are extremely variable in shape
Jun 28, 2019 · We show that the shape of the birth canal varies among human populations, with important implications for obstetric practice in multi-ethnic societies. These differences reflect …
Why do humans possess a twisted birth canal? | ScienceDaily
Oct 29, 2021 · Researchers now present new insights into why the human birth canal evolved to have this complex shape. They suggest that the longitudinally oval shape of the lower birth …