Homemade spider killer recipe - DIY Home Improvement Forum
Oct 24, 2012 · The brown recluse ones can make you sick and do some serious flesh damage though. I am told black widow bites can be really nasty. Contrary to mythology, most US spider bites are seldom fatal if treated properly or unless a person is particularly sensitive to the venom. You should always avoid those with facial expressions like this though:
Ridiculously Simple Spider Mite Repellent - 420 Magazine
Sep 20, 2011 · ive had the spider mite problem and i hope you dont. its common enough to have brought out lots of homemade recipes for spider mite killers. the best spider mite eradicator is one i found here at 420mag forums. a search for "homemade miticide" will probably bring it up. But there is a simple way to keep them away in the first place.
A formula for killing spider mites - 420 Magazine
Feb 10, 2010 · Re: A formula for killing spider mites. An update to the formula. K said he found out today that vinegar is a weed killer. So leave the vinegar out, and also the baking soda. Just alcohol and lemon juice, mixed with water. Water 50%, alcohol 50%, and enough lemon juice to make it all turn yellow.
Isopropyl alcohol and water mixture for spider mite control
Aug 26, 2018 · * nematodes in the water to kill the larva and eggs (Doesn't hurt your plant. Sciarid fly killer from amazon). * insecticide for the leaves and top soil * cover the soil with a layer of diatomacious earth or sand to keep anything from crawling out. * yellow fly paper to grab anything that is flying. They go in a cycle (generally weekly).
Homemade Miticide - 420 Magazine
Aug 19, 2006 · Here's another recipe: 3 Tablespoons each - isopropyl alcohol, lemon juice, garlic juice, horseradish juice, Ivory liquid A few drops of Tobasco juice, mint oil, cinnamon oil Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Dilute to 1 teaspoon per pint of water and mix in …
Homemade spider mite mixture | 420 Magazine
Oct 2, 2018 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
DIY spider killer? - DIY Home Improvement Forum
Oct 2, 2010 · This is MY understanding---Spiders are not insects. Insects walk on a treated surface and transfer the pesticide while eating. A spider doesn't eat that way. I was spraying for insects when I lived on the lake. Spiders were particularly bad. I wasn't making much progress and a cemical engineer advised me to spray the spider "direct".
CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps! - 420 Magazine
Apr 1, 2005 · The process of making cannabutter is basically just melting butter with marijuana, Straining the marijuana And then re-solidifying the butter. This works because THC (the chemical in marijuana that gets you "high") sticks to the fat cells in butter. Cannabutter can be used in any recipe that calls for butter or oil.
Cleaning roof - DIY Home Improvement Forum
Oct 14, 2007 · Here you go: ALGAE – Shows as black streaks on shingle roofs MOSS – Small flowerless plant, grows on all types of roof material, Grows in shady moist areas
Help - Spider Mites & Thrips - Tobacco Juice Recipes?
Jul 24, 2016 · Spider mites are the bane of marijuana growers. Mites are not insects, but arachnids, the same family as spiders. They have eight legs. Your garden is probably infested with two spotted mites. When looking through a loop or magnifying glass, two black spots are visible on the pest's back. Gardens are also infrequently infested with the red ...