Is crusader kings 3 historically accurate? : r/crusaderkings3 - Reddit
Nov 9, 2023 · For the most part, yes. I'm not sure the ratio of historically accurate landed characters to "made up" characters at the game starts. CK2 had a button for taking you to the wikipedia page of historical characters. You may be able …
How historically accurate are the crusader kings games and
Oct 10, 2021 · Afaik the locations and historical characters are well researched, but there are some errors. Most of the mechanics have a historical basis but are applied in a 3 sizes fit all way so they usually aren't correct for the time and place where they are applied.
Crusader Kings 3: Historical Inaccuracies - Game Rant
Jul 11, 2023 · Infant mortality rates in the Middle Ages were higher, but CK3 has lower rates for gameplay reasons. Councils in CK3 are uniform, while historically they would have varied greatly. The game...
How Accurate Is Crusader Kings 3 to the Actual Middle Ages? - Screen Rant
Jun 1, 2020 · The Crusader Kings series has always been historically accurate, and here's how Crusader Kings 3 depicts the lives of people in the Middle Ages.
A professor of history suggestions about CK3
Sep 12, 2020 · He makes an overview of the historical accuracy of the game systems. I found particularly interesting his suggestions: Miscellanea: My Thoughts on Crusader Kings III
How historically accurate is my crusader kit? : r/ArmsandArmor - Reddit
A good start! It's not the best in terms of accuracy though. You'd need a different shield, belt, sword and helmet, tailor the arms and shorten the surcoat to get a bit closer.
Historically Innacurate (success) :: Crusader Kings III General …
Sep 26, 2024 · FYI you can achieve this almost instantly by starting in 867 as the Duke of Paphlagonia in the Byzantine Empire (north coast of anatolia)... You get a historical character who can spawn in the first 10 years. Wait for him, press a button, presto, achievement unlocked.
CK2 vs CK3 - historical accuracy :: Crusader Kings II General …
Apr 14, 2024 · Anyone ever wondered how much CK3 differs in historical accuracy? Everyone writes about difficulty or changes to mechanics but hardly ever how and if CK3 does the job of handling history better or worse than CK2.
how historically accurate is this game? :: Crusader Kings II …
As far as I know, the various duchies, kingdoms, rulers, etc. are all historically accurate from whatever start date you choose. Some of both, really. The mechanics of feudal relationships between liege and vassal are pretty historically accurate, if a little too uniform over a vast area.
Crusader Kings 3: 10 Things That Are Historically Inaccurate
Oct 19, 2021 · Sometimes, they need to murder a baby. So much of the intrigue, grubbiness, and cruelty of the Middle Ages is expressed in Crusader Kings 3. However, the game can't possibly depict everything as it was. As anyone who has watched bad historical movies will tell you, accuracy is a tricky business.