sales drawing cage code: eng-014 1 version release date: third angle projection a a.0345 .001 thru.0995 .0005 x depth shown.110 .002 x 90 5.178 .001 x depth shown ... detent type and hermetic pin }extension: example 93301-fd-154 a=.154 detent type (full=fd, limited=ld, none=nd) base part number hole detail section a-a r.003 max.003 max edge break
Confirmation” ), along with any drawings or specifications related to the products described on the Order Confirmation that are delivered by Hermetic Solutions Group to Buyer (as may be superseded by the delivery of subsequent drawings and/or specifications to Buyer)], are the sole and exclusive agreement governing this
Confirmation” ), along with any drawings or specifications related to the products described on the Order Confirmation that are delivered by Hermetic Solutions Group to Buyer (as may be superseded by the delivery of subsequent drawings and/or specifications to Buyer)], are the sole and exclusive agreement governing this
sales drawing cage code: eng-014 www.pacaero.com 1 version release date: third angle projection a a thru.1275 .0005 shown.145 x 90 5.225 .001 shown.285 .005 .002.0461 .0010 ... hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to 1x10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 2. nominal impedance: 50 ohms. 3. insulation resistance: 5000 megohms minimum.
1. hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to 1x10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 2. nominal impedance: 50 ohms. 3. insulation resistance: 5000 megohms minimum. 4. designed to be laser welded to aluminum alloy 6061 housings. 5. materials: weld flange: 4000 series aluminum contact: kovar iaw astm-f15 or mil-i-23011.
sales drawing cage code: eng-014 www.pacaero.com 1 version release date: third angle projection a a.460 .001 1.532 .001 .275 .001 all around.020 all around.030 .003.703 .010.280 .002 ... hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to 1x10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 5. electrical requirements:
1. hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to 1x10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 2. nominal impedance: 50 ohms. 3. insulation resistance: 5000 megohms minimum. 4. designed to be laser welded into aluminum 6061 housings. 5. materials: weld flange: 4000 series aluminum. contact: kovar iaw astm-f15 or mil-i-23011.
1. hermetic leak rate: < = 1 x 10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 2 pins shall be cut to dimensions indicated 3 plating (pin, ferrule and shell): nickel plate per qq-n-290, class 2, .000100/.000250 thick. gold plate per astm b488, type 1, code a, .000075/.000250 thick. 4 mask ceramic prior to plating.
sales drawing cage code: eng-014 www.pacaero.com 1 version release date: a a.176#.002 ( .030) (c).156#.002 b#.010 a#.010 (.150) thru.179#.001 x shown ... -.1 06-26-08 1 of 1 0-94080 1. designed to be laser welded to a stainless steel housing. 2. hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to 1x10-9 cc/sec he at 1 atm differential pressure. 3 ...
hermetic leak rate: less than or equal to ixi0-9 cc/sec he at i atm differential pressure. 5. electrical requirements: insulation resistance: greater than 5,000 megohms at 500±10% vdc at 25 ... sales drawing sheet: document: i of i 0-94102 i pro/engineer c a . created date: