Ringworm in Hedgehogs - Garden Wildlife Health
Ringworm is the common name used to describe some fungal skin diseases in mammals. The most common agent responsible for ringworm in the Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is a dermatophyte (skin fungus) called Trichophyton erinacei.
Hedgehog ringworm and mange – Little Silver Hedgehog
Jan 10, 2018 · Ringworm and mange can both spread to humans and between hedgehogs in the rescue. Gloves must be worn and washed between hedgehogs. All bedding must be washed separately and any chance of cross-contamination between hedgehogs eliminated.
Hedgehogs - Diseases | VCA Animal Hospitals
Ringworm is not a worm but rather a fungus involving the skin. Clinical signs can include missing spines, hair loss, flaking, and crusting of the skin. This fungal skin disease can be transmitted to other pets and people. Cancer may occur in hedgehogs three years of age and older.
Ringworm is the common name used to describe some fungal skin diseases in mammals. The most common agent responsible for ringworm in the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is a dermatophyte (skin fungus) called Trichophyton erinacei.
Can Hedgehogs Get Ringworm? Uncovering Facts & Precautions
Hedgehogs can get Ringworm, a fungal infection that can cause skin irritation and hair loss. Ringworm can easily spread among hedgehogs and other pets, including humans. Proper hygiene practices and preventive measures can minimize the risk of Ringworm transmission.
Hedgehogs with ringworm might show signs of skin irritation and weight loss, but other affected hedgehogs can be in normal body condition and show little sign of skin irritation, even in severe cases. This regimen is by no means the only way to treat a …
Hedgehog Dermatophytosis: Understanding - PubMed Central …
They also suggested that mites could potentially transmit ringworm between animals, but most new infections were attributed to contact between infected mother hedgehogs and their offspring. There have been documented cases of transmission from infected mothers to their offspring.
European Hedgehog Mortality - Parasites & Diseases - Wildlife …
Fungal infections are fairly common in European hedgehogs and, while various species have been found (e.g., Candida albicans, Rhodotorula, Torulopsis, Emmonsia, Histoplasma, etc.), ringworm is most prevalent.
How do you treat a fungal infection in a hedgehog?
Mar 3, 2025 · Treating a fungal infection in a hedgehog requires a multifaceted approach, often involving a combination of topical and, in severe cases, oral antifungal medications. The primary goal is to eliminate the fungal overgrowth while ensuring the hedgehog’s comfort and well-being.
Hedgehog Care Guide - Hedgehog Health Problems | Hedgy Life
May 20, 2023 · Ringworm is a fungal-infection that can affect hedgehogs. It is characterized by circular, hairless patches on the skin, which can be itchy and inflamed. Ringworm can be transmitted to other animals and humans, so it is essential to seek prompt treatment if your hedgehog is diagnosed.