seeing is believing / to see is to believe | WordReference Forums
Oct 31, 2017 · Seeing is believing / To see is to believe can we all agree that grammatically speaking, these 2 phrases means the same thing. I know the meaning of some sentences change when you use the gerund or infinitive as an object but I haven't found a single grammar book that says you should only use...
Convert to or into - WordReference Forums
May 14, 2020 · D. In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy. My question is can I use "to" instead of "into" without affecting the meaning of the sentence. A.They converted the spare bedroom to an office. B.The stocks can be easily converted into cash. C. a sofa that converts to a bed. D.In the process, the light energy converts into heat energy.
stove USA/ England - WordReference Forums
Jun 2, 2022 · The number of homes with a wood-burning stove for heat is quite low, as a percentage. The U.S. Department of Energy puts the number at 2.1% for primary heat and 7.7 % for backup heat. So for most people, it's not a daily experience and it's common to freely use stove to refer to the cooking appliance.
heat wave OR heatwave - WordReference Forums
May 23, 2010 · OED 1878 Heat-wave: One of those vibrations of the ether that produce heating effects. ewie Senior Member.
VMC - ventilation mécanique contrôlée - WordReference Forums
Sep 24, 2007 · looking around amazon.com, I came across "Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV)" (lookup 'Fantech VHR 150'), which perfectly matches the usual use of 'VMC double flux'. This expression is (at least) recognized by a home improvement distributor (menards.com -for whatever reason, I was unable to connect to HomeDepot-)...
Blistering heat or cold? - WordReference Forums
Apr 14, 2016 · However, as far as I am concerned, whereas heat - a burn - has been suffered by us all, and a blister produced, how many people do we know who have had frostbite with blisters? The OP quotes someone online and without context - it is eminently possible that the person thinks that "blistering" is simply a general intensifier.
gas, electricity, water | WordReference Forums
Mar 19, 2009 · Hi everyone, What is the general term in English for supplies of products such as gas, electricity, water, etc. to a house or business - all I can think of is amenities (which is not right) and its driving me mad! Thanks in advance
Fasten vs buckle (seatbelt) | WordReference Forums
Jun 15, 2024 · Things buckle under heat (roads) physical pressure (roofs), psychological pressure (people), or emotion (knees, which can also buckle for physical reasons). There are also idioms: buckle down, buckle under.
Could you please let me know when payment will be/is made?
Jun 30, 2015 · Both are correct but they mean different things: Could you please let me know when payment will be made? (Tell me when you're going to pay me.)
Pmt Det abbreviations - WordReference Forums
Jul 8, 2009 · PMT DET is probably Payment Detail SEQ, I'm not sure, but could be Sequence Number. Saludos.