What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? - Unexplained Mysteries
Nov 16, 2012 · What happened to SS General Hans Kammler? From 1944 onward, he was in change of advanced weapons development in Nazi Germany, including the Me-262 jets, the V-2 rockets and perhaps even more exotic projects. Did he commit suicide at the end of the war, escape to Argentina or perhaps become part of Project Paperclip in the U.S.?
The Hunt for SS General Hans Kammler - Unexplained Mysteries
Mar 7, 2020 · SS General Hans Kammler was Hitler's secret weapons chief and number one trouble shooter. He was also a war criminal of the highest order and was wanted to stand trial at Nuremberg. As commander of the V-2 rocket programme and all other secret weapons Kammler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany, occupying a position just outside ...
What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? - Unexplained Mysteries
Nov 16, 2012 · Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler SS Oberstgruppenführer. Chef der Absetzung und des Geheimstaates des Deutschen Reichs! Im Krieg erst Chef des V1 und V2 Einsatzes, dann der (bis heute geheim!) Flugscheiben- und Zeitmaschinen-Entwicklung und der Absetzung. Die meisten Berichte über ihn geben zu, daß sein Verbleib bis heute ungeklärt ist.
The Hunt for SS General Hans Kammler - Unexplained Mysteries
Mar 13, 2023 · Hi everyone, SS General Hans Kammler was Hitler's secret weapons chief and number one trouble shooter. He was also a war criminal of the highest order and was wanted to stand trial at Nuremberg. As commander of the V-2 rocket programme and all other secret weapons Kammler was one of the most powe...
What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? - Unexplained Mysteries
Nov 16, 2012 · What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! It's free and ...
What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? - Unexplained Mysteries
Nov 16, 2012 · All Activity; Board Index ; Unexplained Mysteries ; Extraterrestrial Life and The UFO Phenomenon ; What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler?
What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? - Unexplained Mysteries
Nov 16, 2012 · What Happened to SS Gen. Hans Kammler? Nazi Germany's Advanced Aerospace Program. By TheMacGuffin,
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Daily coverage of UFOs, paranormal phenomena, ancient mysteries, metaphysics, cryptozoology, philosophy, science and space exploration.
Is Trump planning to leave America when he loses the election?
Nov 4, 2024 · The pressure is on Trump to win what looks like an unwinnable election otherwise lawsuits, pending fines and bankruptcy await him and more than likely a long stay at Rikers Island Penitentiary Facilities with the Secret Service babysitting him would be the alternate option.
Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science, and …
Jun 4, 2024 · Reviewer Groff Conklin described the original edition as "a monument of scholarship [and] a richly documented and entertaining survey of how crazy the crackpots can get."