Guide to Beer Keg Sizes and Dimensions - KegWorks
Oct 25, 2022 · A 50 Litre Keg is used by European Breweries and is similar in size to its American cousin, the Half Barrel Keg. This is the most common keg size in European countries, including the UK. Popular import brands in the US include Heineken, Newcastle, Hoegaarden and …
How Much Is in a Half Barrel of Beer: Facts, Serving Tips, and …
Mar 5, 2025 · A half barrel measures 15.5 gallons or approximately 58.67 liters. In terms of servings, it provides about 124 servings of 12 ounces each or 99 servings of 16 ounces each. A full half barrel weighs roughly 160 pounds when filled.
How much beer in a half barrel? - Chef's Resource
The answer to the question “How much beer in a half barrel?” is 15.5 gallons (58.67 liters) or 165 12-ounce (355 ml) servings. A half barrel, also known as a full-size keg, is the standard size used in the beer industry.
Keg Sizes & Dimensions Compared - Kegerator.com
Jul 24, 2014 · Half Barrel Keg: When you think of your average beer keg, the Half barrel size is probably what comes into your mind. Undoubtedly, you’ve probably seen this size keg at a party or large event.
How Much Is Half Barrel of Beer: A Guide to Pricing and Serving …
Jan 19, 2025 · A half barrel, often called a “keg,” is a beer container that holds 15.5 gallons, or approximately 58.67 liters. This equates to about 165 12-ounce servings, making it a popular choice for gatherings and events.
Beer Keg Sizes: US Keg Sizes and Their Measurement in Barrels
Nov 19, 2023 · The standard Half Barrel Keg is the workhorse of the keg family and the standard size used in the U.S. brewing industry. It holds 15.5 gallons of beer, which translates to around 124 pints or 165 twelve-ounce servings.
Understanding Keg Sizes: How Many Litres is a 1/2 Barrel Keg?
Dec 27, 2024 · A 1/2 barrel keg, also known as a half-barrel or full-size keg, is one of the most commonly used keg sizes in the United States. It holds approximately 15.5 gallons of liquid, which is equivalent to about 58.67 liters.
The Ultimate Guide to Keg Sizes - Sound Brewery
May 10, 2023 · A standard 15.5-gallon keg (also known as a “half barrel” keg) can provide around 165 12-ounce servings of beer, while a smaller 5-gallon keg (also known as a “sixth barrel” keg) can provide around 55 servings.
Your Guide to Beer Keg Sizes - bankbrewing.com
One half-barrel keg is 58.67 liters, which is about 15.5 gallons. This is enough beer for 165 12-ounce glasses. You should be able to store one regular half-barrel keg in a full-size kegerator.
How To Choose A Keg - A Comparison of Sizes - Kegco Beverage …
Dec 17, 2019 · To determine the right keg for your needs and kegerator, read on. Nicknames: Bubba Keg. Typically designed for mini kegerators, however, mini kegs can be compatible with larger kegerators. This is the smallest kegerator size often available and this keg contains 5 liters or 169.07 ounces.