Lucrezia Noin - The Gundam Wiki
Lucrezia Noin (ルクレツィア・ノイン, Rukuretsia Noin?, taken from German neun, lit. "nine") is a character introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Noin, as she prefers to be called, appears to be a somewhat tomboyish yet mature woman.
Lucrezia Noin | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Lucrezia Noin is an officer in OZ who is the confidante of Zechs Merquise and one of the main characters in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. She was voiced by Chisa Yokoyama and by Saffron Henderson in the English dub.
List of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing characters - Wikipedia
Heero Yuy is the protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, and the pilot of the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam and (later) the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero. [1] [2] During the series, very little of his past is revealed, although the prequel manga Episode Zero revealed that he was once a nameless protégé of the assassin Odin Lowe until the assassin's death during a failed mission.
List of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing episodes - Wikipedia
Noin finds Heero and Trowa and takes them to Antarctica, where Zechs is completing the reconstruction of the Wing Gundam for their intended rematch. When Inspector Acht, who ordered the destruction of the Gundam's remains, arrives to expose Zechs as a traitor, Noin and Trowa destroy the search parties before they reach Zechs.
Lucrezia Noin (Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing) - MyAnimeList.net
Lucrezia Noin (ルクレツィア・ノイン) Noin is a good friend of Zechs from his days at the Lake Victoria military academy. After graduation, she joined the academy's staff, and now trains new Specials recruits in the art of space combat.
Noin Profile - Japanese Anime UK
During the Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz movie she is a member of the Earth Sphere Unified Nations 'Preventer' intelligence agency under the code name "Preventer Fire". She is still fighting alongside Zechs (who goes by the code name "Preventer Wind").
How would you rate Lucrezia Noin (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Lucrezia Noin! Unlike other polls, feel free to include stuff from her other appearances in Wing. Voice Actors: JP: Chisa Yokoyama EN: Saffron Henderson Trivia: -Noin’s JP VA is rather prolific, with many works under her belt. She had previously appeared in Victory Gundam as Neneka, one of the so called “Bikini Assault Squad”
“Be more graceful, Lady Une …” : r/Gundam - Reddit
Feb 24, 2024 · A glorious highlight of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing so far: Lieutenant Noin blocking Une’s outstretched hand then delivering a judgement from Une’s commanding officer: “He says for you to be more graceful.
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin • Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. If there was ever someone to whom Zechs Marquise could confide, it is Lucrezia Noin: a woman who compares quite closely to Zechs though without the secrets.
r/Gundam on Reddit: Is there any particular reason Noin wears …
Jan 5, 2023 · Let's be honest here, Noin catching Zech's attention is the healthiest thing for the AC timeline as a whole. Guy has proven repeatedly that if left to his own devices he'll wage another war. Zechs has a cowgirl kink? Mamma tua! …