Gault Formation - British Geological Survey
The Gault Formation (also known as the Gault Clay) is a sequence of clays, mudstone and thin siltstones with bands of phosphatic nodules deposited between 100 and 112 million years ago …
Geology of Dorset - Wikipedia
South-east Dorset, around Poole, Bournemouth, and the New Forest, lies on younger and less resistant beds: Eocene clays (mainly London Clay), sands, and gravels. These rocks produce …
Fossils of the Gault Clay - Deposits
Jul 9, 2020 · There are Gault Clay exposures at a number of coastal sites, including at Lyme in Dorset and at various places on the Isle of Wight. However, by far the most productive place …
Gault - Wikipedia
The Gault Formation is a geological formation of stiff blue clay deposited in a calm, fairly deep-water marine environment during the Lower Cretaceous Period (Upper and Middle Albian).
Engineering geology of British rocks and soils : Gault Clay
The Gault is a sequence of clays, mudstones and thin siltstones with bands of phosphatic nodules of Middle and Upper Albian age. Its outcrop stretches south-westward fron1 East Anglia …
Geology of Dorset: The Cretaceous rocks
Overlying the Lower Greensand is the Gault Clay. This is a sandy clay, which thins as it is followed westwards. Also, as it is traced westwards, it rests unconformably on successively …
This diagram explains some characteristics of the Dorset Gault. Notice that the clay mineral composition contains the expandible clay mineral smectite, whereas this is generally absent in …
After the Wealden, there were peri-ods of erosion and deposition as the sea flooded back over the area, and the complex succession of Greensands and Gault Clay were deposited between …
a lesson in the natural world’s awesome forces. - Dorset Ancestors
Sep 28, 2012 · These were the Wealden beds and Lower Cretaceous Gault Clay and Greensand. Eventually the sea encroached upon the land again, resulting in the deposition, first of a …
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Dorset GA Group
Southern England tern Midlands. On the Dorset coast the Aalenian strata comprises the upper part of the Bridport Sands and the Inferior Oolite limestone; the Bathonian comprises Fullers …