Frog Leg Trade Decimates Species and Causes Ecological Chaos
Jul 28, 2011 · International wildlife conservation groups Pro Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Animal Welfare Institute, issued a report today titled Canapés to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs’ Legs and its Ecological Impact.
in frogs and frogs’ legs (Warkentin et al. 2009, Gratwicke et al. 2009, Lau et al. 2008), comprehensive national and international conservation measures are urgently needed. While the frogs’ legs trade poses a serious threat to wild populations, farming is not an ecologically responsible alternative due to the potential for
Canapes to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs’ Legs …
This report is the first comprehensive study of the frog leg market ever conducted and reveals an industry rife with serious environmental consequences.
Canapés to ExtinCtion: thE intErnational tradE in frogs` lEgs and its
In many countries focuses on larger-bodied species of 31 in Asia, Africa, and Latin America frogs the family Ranidae, such as the Asian are collected for subsistence or local brackish frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) and consumption.
- Conservation Evidence
During three years of monitoring in India, it was estimated that 9,000 tonnes of frogs were removed from the wild for frogs’ legs. In 1985, green pond frogs and Indian bullfrogs were listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in …
Canapés to extinction: The international trade in frogs’ legs and …
For most organisms, including frog species in the frogs’ legs trade, commercial international trade remains unregulated, includes species in extinction-threat categories on the IUCN Red List...
Jun 16, 2022 · In 2011, our report “Canapés to Extinction” provided comprehensive data on the international trade in frogs’ legs, its ecological impact, and the EU’s central role as a consumer market (Altherr et al. 2011). The present report provides an update for the decade since then, presenting new information on trade volu-mes and trends.
Canapés to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs' Legs …
Canapés to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs' Legs and its Ecological Impact. First comprehensive study of the frog leg market, revealing an industry that is systematically devastating frog populations throughout the world; by Pro Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife, and Animal Welfare Institute, 2011, 33 pages. © 2024 All rights reserved.
frog legs and its consequences: frogs are threatened with extinction. The following analysis gives an update for the EU-Intra-Extra Trade in 2010. In 2010 the European Union imported more than 5,000 tonnes of frog legs from Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey and Albania.
Out On A Limb: Demand for Legs Driving Frogs to Extinction
AWI, Defenders of Wildlife, and Pro Wildlife (of Germany) have released a new report, Canapés to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs' Legs and Its Ecological Impact, with recommendations concerning what governments should do to protect frog populations and prevent further ecological harm. Individuals can take action, too.