Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large
Script Writing for Comics: Explore Visual Storytelling - A course by Fred Van Lente from Domestika on Vimeo. I am partnering with Domestika to offer a 3 hour course on comics scriptwriting, from coming up with your idea to panel layout to proper script format!
Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large :: About
FRED VAN LENTE is the New York Times bestselling author of Incredible Hercules (with Greg Pak) and Marvel Zombies 3 & 4, as well as the American Library Association award-winning Action Philosophers. His other comics incldue Comic Book Comics, MODOK's 11, X Men Noir and Amazing Spider-Man.
Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large :: Bio
Fred Van Lente is a six-time New York Times bestselling comics writer, novelist and playwright whose work spans mystery/thrillers to historical fiction to superheroes to comedy.
Fred Van Lente :: How I Write Comix
who am I:: what I write:: email:: twitter. how to format a comics script. I've been very flattered over the years to be complimented on the way I format my comics scripts.
Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large
Official website of writer Fred Van Lente. home:: free comix:: about:: press:: archive:: email. news archive. NEW! 11.02.2006! The first issue of my run on MARVEL ADVENTURES SPIDER-MAN (#21), featuring everyone's Friendly Neighborhood in his spiffy black costume (all in anticipation of Spider-Man 3), went on sale Wedensday. For those of you who ...
Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large
Very cool King Kirby gets a shout-out in the Times' Best of 2014 in Theater roundup: "Not only was Crystal Skillman and Fred Van Lente’s KING KIRBY a supple, knowing account of the life of the influential comic artist Jack Kirby, but it was also a fine showcase for Steven Rattazzi, poignant in the leading role." Thanks to Andy Webster for the ...
Fred Van Lente :: Writer at Large :: Checklist
Official website of writer Fred Van Lente. home:: who I am:: how I write it:: email:: twitter. what I write. For a long time I maintained a complete checklist of my works here, but, uh ... I write a lot of stuff, and it just became unwieldy. That, and Marvel Comics, who published me for many years, completely changed their database, making most ...
MARVEL ZOMBIES HALLOWEEN/Van Lente FOUR Panel 1: Tight on a Marvel Calendar with MAN-THING as October’s image. Peter has crossed out all the days but the last four. 1. PETER (OFF): It’s … October twenty-seventh. 2. PETER (OFF): …
Action KANT/Van Lente FOUR Panel 1: The Judge bangs angrily with her gavel. Just for the hell of it, let’s have her look like the Maria robot from Metropolis. 1. JUDGE: That’s ENOUGH! Order in the COURT! 2. SFX: BANG! BANG! 3. JUDGE: YOUR WITNESS, Mr. Kant. Panel 2: God is stunned that Kant, rising, declines to cross-examine the witness. 4.
Cthulhu Tract | By Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis
Artist Steve Ellis and writer Fred Van Lente created this strip as a mini-comic for the 2000 Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland. This is its first appearance on-line. Enjoy! Visit Fredvanlente.com for more free comix "Why We're Here"