Michel Foucault and the Point of Painting | Art History - Oxford …
Aug 10, 2009 · This article offers a historiographical analysis of Foucault's contribution to art theory by arguing that the philosopher used the medium of painting and its history since Alberti to explore the differences in the concept of realism between 1650 and his own day.
Foucault & “Las Meninas”: On Postmodernism & Painting
Nov 6, 2020 · Diego Velázquez’s “Las Meninas” has taken its rightful place as one of the most fascinating artworks to analyze in the whole of Western painting. Scholars describe “Las Meninas” as an embodiment of art itself within a painting: It is the philosophy of art depicted on canvas.
Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity
Foucault’s Philosophy of Art presents a wide-ranging overview of Foucault’s various writings about Western art. The book explores “how art sheds its traditional vocation in order to become modern” (5) through a systematic analysis of Foucault’s claims about the post-representational nature of modern art.
Foucault on Painting - University of Minnesota Press
Nov 23, 2017 · Foucault’s writing on painting covers four discrete periods in European art history (seventeenth-century southern Baroque, mid-nineteenth century French painting, Surrealism, and figurative painting in the 1960s and ‘70s) as well as five individual artists: Velázquez, Manet, Magritte, Paul Reyberolle, and Gérard Fromanger.
Sep 6, 1986 · Foucault was an exceedingly visual historian. His histories are filled with vivid pictures that stick in the mind. Visualizing events or historical depiction is, of course, an art which itself has a history.
Foucault and Art | Art History - Oxford Academic
May 19, 2011 · Through his careful explication of these texts, Tanke demonstrates the extent to which Foucault’s archaeology of the visual sought to address itself to art’s peculiar capacity both to reflect and to contribute to the transformation of …
Aug 10, 2009 · This article offers a historiographical analysis of Foucault's contribution to art theory by arguing that the philosopher used the medium of painting and its history since Alberti to explore the differences in the concept of realism between 1650 and his own day.
Foucault, the Worker's Body, and Art in the Modern and …
Jan 25, 2025 · Foucault’s theory of the worker’s body highlights how shifts in power dynamics reshape perceptions of the body in art. Traditional art regarded the body as a tool for realizing transcendent ideals, situating it within the greater harmony of the cosmos.
Foucault: Art, Histories, and Visuality in the 21st Century (2024)
May 20, 2024 · The French philosopher Michel Foucault’s (1926–84) work has greatly influenced artists and art scholars in many ways, from reimagining subjectivity to scrutinizing art institutions. Owing to the posthumous publications and archival discoveries, Foucault’s oeuvre continues to shape current discussions on methodological, political, and ...
Foucault on Painting on JSTOR
Foucault's writing on painting covers four discrete periods in European art history (seventeenth-century southern Baroque, mid-nineteenth century French painting, Surrealism, and figurative painting in the 1960s and '70s) as well as five individual artists: Velázquez, Manet, Magritte, Paul Reyberolle, and Gérard Fromanger.