Historical Rates Tables - Xe
Build historic rate tables with your chosen base currency with XE Currency Tables. For commercial purposes, get an automated currency feed through the XE Currency Data API.
- Reviews: 59.7K
Free Currency Charts - Historical Currency Rates - Xe
With this convenient tool you can review market history and analyse rate trends for any currency pair. All charts are interactive, use mid-market rates, and are available for up to a 10-year time period. To see a currency chart, select your two currencies, …
- Reviews: 59.7K
Historical Rates Tables - USD - Xe
This USD currency table offers historic US Dollar rates compared to every world currency. For commercial purposes, get an automated currency feed through the XE Currency Data API.
- Reviews: 59.7K
Historical Converter - fxtop.com
Historical currency converter at a specific date in the past with official exchange rates from 1953, euro, dollar
Historical comparison graph for currency exchange rates since 1953
Major historical exchange rates comparison: Form. To see comparison graph, fill in the following fields (at least one currency pair) and click Go!
Historical Currency Converter | OANDA
3 days ago · The Historical Currency Converter is a simple way to access up to 31 years of historical exchange rates for 200+ currencies, metals, and cryptocurrencies. OANDA Rates® cover 38,000 FX currency pairs, and are easily downloadable into an …
Historical Currency Converter | Historical Foreign Exchange Rates …
Try our historical currency converter for free and get up to 180 days of historical exchange rates. You can also: Compare quotes for up to 10 currencies; Retrieve rates by custom frequencies (includes daily and weekly and monthly)
Forex trends - Changes in exchange rates and gold over time
Use the XEU code to see Ecu (European Currency Unit) exchange rates. Before 13/03/1979 XEU rates are theoretical ones. For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
Exchange Rate Database - Historical Exchange Rate Values
1 day ago · Exchange rate database, query exchange rates values by date or range of dates. Print or download the exchange rates.
Historical Rates - FXStreet
This tool shows you historic rates for 34 currency pairs in 4 different timeframes (5 min, 15 min, 1 hour, 1 day) and 5 periods (10, 25, 50, 100, 250). You can see how the price of these crosses...