Fire bad! But why? - monsters moviemonsters | Ask MetaFilter
May 23, 2017 · re:your post title, I always associated that particular phrase with cavemen, not monsters -- and a quick Subzin search shows the earliest use of that phrase in this context was a Buffy the Vampire episode ("Beer Bad") where the gang gets turned into Neanderthals.
Origin of "Fire bad!"
English-speaking cavemen were saying things like "fire good", or "fire bad", depending on what was burning, innit? Woman good.
FIRE BAD, FIGHT BACK!!! #caveman #meme - YouTube
Mar 28, 2024 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket © 2025 Google LLC
Caveman learns fire bad - YouTube
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket © 2024 Google LLC
FIRE BAD, FIGHT BACK!!! #caveman #meme - YouTube
FIRE BAD, FIGHT BACK!!! #caveman #meme @skibblonair
historical linguistics - Did a "cave man-style" language ever exist ...
Any isolating language would have this type of structure: no difference between parts of speech, no conjugation, no cases, no declentions. The structures like 'fire bad', or noun + adjective, are typical for Russian. These structures are also typical for Arabic.
When and where does the "stereotypical" image of a caveman ... - Reddit
Many of these early fossils were found in caves, which drove the "caveman" conception. Eurocentrism played a big role in shaping these conceptions as well. I mentioned in an early comment about the racism in construction our evolutionary tree.
CaveMan: Fire - Newgrounds.com
Oct 29, 2003 · just a short movie about cavemen and fire....has some humor in it but not much. Drawing isn't anything to talk about. Just bland, boring, etc. Narfdude 2003-10-29 15:06:23 Great music
TIL that the first known academic paper was titled "FIRE BAD ...
Feb 1, 2023 · He then lost his arm when the animal skin he was wearing caught fire, and he released a paper entitled, "Fire: An analysis of the benefits and risks, and the potential societal impacts in the Negative 308th Century."
Caveman Discovers Fire; Caveman Government Seeks to Ban It
Dec 11, 2013 · A new element has been discovered that promises to dramatically improve the way of life of the average caveman. “I call it ‘fire’ “ declared the beaming discoverer.