Search for places - Google Earth Help
Google Earth saves your most recent searches. On your computer, you’ll find recent searches in a list when you type in the Search box. You can also look at a list of previous searches: On the left-hand panel under "Search," click History. On the left …
Find & use location coordinates - Google Earth Help
Open Google Earth. In the Search box in the left-hand panel, enter coordinates using one of these formats: Decimal Degrees: such as 37.7°, -122.2° Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: such as 37°25'19.07"N, 122°05'06.24"W; Google Earth zooms into that location and coordinates will be displayed in the lower right corner.
Measure distances and areas in Google Earth
Google Earth will switch to a top-down view. Click the map to set measurement points. To remove a point, on the right, click Undo . To complete your line measurement, double-click on your last point, or click Done . On the right, you’ll find the length. Tips: To measure the area of a location, connect to your first point to close the shape.
Measure distance & elevation - Google Earth Help
Open Google Earth Pro. On the left, under "Places," you will find a list of saved measurements. Check the measurement you want to open. Double click the name of the measurement. Earth will show your measurement on the map. To find measurement details, hover over the shape and right-click.Then, click Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac). The ...
Get started with Google Earth in your web browser
You can use Google Earth to find: High-resolution aerial and satellite imagery, photos, and elevation terrain. An image of your home, school, or any place on earth. Routes when you drive from one place to another. To learn more about Google Earth’s existing features, use this article. Search in Google Earth
Versions of Google Earth (desktop, web, mobile) - Google Earth …
Jan 30, 2024 · Do not click the blue “Launch Earth” button, this is for the web version.Once Google Earth Pro is installed you will find it in the Windows start menu or the Mac Applications folder. Google Earth Pro is still being maintained and updated. In Google Earth Pro any placemarks, paths, etc that you add to your My Places are stored locally on ...
View a map over time - Google Earth Help
On your device, open Google Earth. Search for places. To view a map over time, you can either: In the toolbar, click Historical imagery . Click View Historical Imagery. This feature isn’t available if you’re using the Map basemap. To enable this feature, change your basemap to Satellite. Select how you want to view the map.
Explore the Earth on your computer - Google Earth Help
Open Google Earth. On Windows: Click Tools Options 3D View. On Mac: Click Google Earth Preferences 3D View. Under "Terrain," enter a number between .01 and 3 for "Elevation Exaggeration." 1.5 shows a natural elevation. Click Apply.
Find imagery dates, altitude & coordinates - Computer - Google …
You can use the coordinates of a place to find its location on Google Earth. On your computer, open Google Earth. On the left, click Search . Type the coordinates using one of these formats: Decimal Degrees: 42.7°, -100.2° Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: 64°25'12.07"N, 100°10'15.24"W
Search for places - Computer - Google Earth Help
On your computer, open Google Earth.; In the top left, click Search .; Type a location and press enter, or select it from the list.