Father ST Sutton - Saint Joseph, Newton - Newton, New Jeresey
On June 29, 2015 (the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul) Father ST was assigned as Administrator of Saint Joseph Church in Newton, New Jersey where he continues his priestly ministry in service to the Lord and those entrusted to his pastoral care.
Rev. Stephen Sutton - St. Ignatius, Hickory
Fr. Steve brings a wealth of varied experiences to his ministry at St. Ignatius. Having been ordained to the Episcopal priesthood, he met his wife in Charleston, WV.
Rev. ST Sutton - Diocese of Paterson - Clifton, NJ
Ordained December 7, 1996 by Most Reverend Bishop Joseph Younan. The Diocese of Paterson is a diocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. The RCDOP includes three counties in northern New Jersey: Passaic, Morris, and Sussex.
Priests’ Jubilee Mass - Diocese of Paterson - Clifton, NJ
Father ST Sutton Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Newton, Father Sutton is a native of Coventry, R.I. and he was graduated from St. Joseph Benedictine Seminary in St. Benedict, La.
Pastors/Curates/Parochial Vicars - Saint Joseph, Newton
Father ST Sutton (Assigned as Administrator in 06/29/2015) 19 Father ST Sutton (Appointed Pastor 08/15/2017 to present) CURATES/ASSOCIATE PASTORS/PAROCHIAL VICARS *Father Sigmund Rovinski (1950: first Administrator after the death of Monsignor Donnelly) 1. Father William F. Connery (1954: first Curate) 2. Father John E. Weis (1967-1968) 3.
ROMAN CATHOLIC Church 973 383 1985 - stjosephnewton.org
Our Parish Family is Served By Weekly Mass Intentions Father ST Sutton, Administrator 973-383-1985 - [email protected] Father Edward Davey, Pastor Emeritus
Newton parish welcomes Bishop - Diocese of Paterson
SEEING SUSSEX COUNTY Bishop Kevin Sweeney is joined by Father ST Sutton, pastor, as he opens Mass with prayer during his pastoral visit to St. Joseph Parish in Newton Aug. 1.
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Saint Joseph
Sep 11, 2016 · Saturday cleaners Each Saturday, starting at 8:00am, a group of men and women gather to clean our church. It is a wonderful way to meet people, keep the Lord’s House clean as well as get those volunteer hours completed for Confirmation. Come join Father ST and our group as we are dedicated to keeping true the cliché:
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY,... - Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church
Please join us as we give thanks to Almighty God for calling Father ST to the Priesthood. This past December 7th Father celebrated his 27th Anniversary of priestly service to the Lord and His Church.
Congratulations to... - Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church
Aug 18, 2017 · Congratulations to our new pastor Father ST Sutton You are our true shepherd and deserve all the best. –Anonymous