Foundry - Factorio Mods
Provides a foundry building, as well as an electric version. The building is used for founding (e.g. casting metal), as well as other "hot" things like coking coke/solid fuel (optional). Can (optionally, default off) perform vanilla smelting tasks as well.
Foundry - Factorio Mods
Adds a Foundry building and an Electric foundry building, and corresponding techs. (Optional) adds a Coke recipe that can be made in the foundry, or can choose to use solid fuel with a new early recipe made in foundry.
Bricked Foundry - Factorio Mods
Dec 27, 2024 · Adds molten stone, casting stone brick and casting rail recipe to the foundry. Tries to be as close to vanilla balancing as possible: 199 molten iron, 21 stone for 42 rails in vanilla,
Foundry - Factorio Mods
Adds a foundry building for making alloys, etc. A standalone accessory from BZ Mods.
Foundry Restructuring - Factorio Mods
Nov 20, 2024 · Assigns a lot of recipes to either the EM plant or the foundry. Most notably, engines and rails now have a casting recipe, while electric engines can be produced in the EM plant.
Foundry - Factorio Mods
Disables foundry buildings and many recipe changes. Intended to allow people to opt out of using Foundry buildings while still letting Foundry be a required dependency for certain other mods (like Aluminum).
Foundry Expanded - Factorio Mods
Nov 14, 2024 · Foundry Expanded by beezelo Adds more recipes to Foundries: engines, steam turbines, pumpjacks, etc. Allows casting engine units and space platforms directly from metal.
Fundryu - Factorio Mods
Dec 2, 2024 · Fundryu is a mod for Factorio that introduces an ultimate foundry with high-quality textures and animations. This innovative foundry allows production at a titanic speed but also increases environmental pollution, adding an extra challenge to managing your industry.
Debloat: Better Foundry - Factorio Mods
Oct 31, 2024 · This mod does several things to remove bloat from the Foundry on Vulcanus. Foundries and their recipes can now be crafted on Nauvis (anywhere really). This includes the Metallurgic Science Pack.
Extraplanetary Production - Factorio Mods
Dec 18, 2024 · Adds more and alternate recipes to the foundry, EM plant, and cryogenic plant. Inspired by Foundry Restructuring. Now with full Age of Production support!