Fillable Storage For Lime/Fertilizer And Seeds
Jun 1, 2021 · Lime, fertilizer and Seeds are stored in these silos Price: 125000 $ Daily maintenance: 15 $ Capacity: 500000 l Required Inputs: Lime, Fertilizer and Seeds Storage for Lime, Fertilizer and Seeds with Lights and Displays Information: Mod required GlobalCompany! Game. Farming Simulator 19. Manufacturer. Lizard. Category. Object.
Commodity Storage | ModHub | Farming Simulator
To store Storage for Seed, Lime, Fertilizer, Herbicide and Liquid Fertiziler in one location Capacity 500000 (combined) Price; £25000 daily upkeep £1 ChangeLog; Height mapping-fixed minor issues ChangeLog; storage limit Game. Farming Simulator 22. Manufacturer. Lizard. Category. Silos. Author. MISSYB.
Placeable Storage Silo | ModHub | Farming Simulator
Storage silo for Seeds, Compost, Lime, Pig Food and Mixed Ration. Price: 18.000 €. Maintenance: 40 € / day. Capacity: 240.000 Liters by product. Changelog - New Silos …
Storage Pack | ModHub | Farming Simulator
Filltypes is fertilizer, lime, mineral feed and seeds. If the warehouse is empty, the stored goods can be purchased. ChangeLog capacity increased texture editing
Silo System Package | ModHub | Farming Simulator
Silo system of the brand LIZARD Storage. This pack contains 46 parts. Build your silo to fit your required capacity. Two loading points and a total of 12 different extensions in different sizes. In addition, there are storage silos for seed, fertilizer, lime and fodder. With the option to fill them with money or to fill them yourself.
Lime Station | ModHub | Farming Simulator
With this free placeable lime silo you can fill your lime spreader directly at the Farm. Changelog v. Release v. Can now be placed closer to other buildings.
Object Storage | ModHub | Farming Simulator
The original bale and pallet storage solution from FS17 and FS19 returns! Now with global menu (GUI) access it is even easier to see what bales or pallets you have in storage. Featuring fill type and bale size configuration (When available), allowing the user to choose what is stored in each building and removing the need for individual store ...
Stone Crushing Lime Production | ModHub | Farming Simulator
- Reduced Storage Capacity For Lime To 100,000L. - Increased Overall Price To 25,000. - Imporved Placement Of Object. - Added Animations And Effects For Unloading Auger Tray. Debris Crushing Lime Production. - Supply The Crusher With Stones From The Field And Crush Them Into Lime For Fertilizer Spreading Or Sell It For A Tidy Profit! - Price ...
Liquid Lime | ModHub | Farming Simulator
- Added a new production to produce Liquid Lime with Lime and Water. (This can bring cost savings) - Increased the Liquid Lime Silo storage capacity from 140,000 liters to 155,000 liters.
Underground Storage | ModHub | Farming Simulator
Jun 20, 2022 · Underground Storage. This set consists of two silos. One for all bulk materials and one with bulk materials and liquids. Underground Storage: - Price: $50,000 - Capacity: 1,000,000 liters - Daily Upkeep: $25.00 - Content: bulk (also bales) Underground Storage with Liquids: