Eat a squirrel!
Oct 23, 2020 · Your one-stop resource for all you need to know about catching, cleaning, and cooking squirrels! Warning! This website contains detailed written instructions, photos, and videos about trapping, dispatching, skinning, and cooking squirrels.
How to tell if a squirrel is safe to eat
Fortunately there are several ways to tell if a squirrel is safe to eat. Skin & fur. Some squirrels will have patches of missing fur. In most cases this is fine, but if the squirrel has a severe case of hair loss or squirrel pox then it is best to dispatch the animal and discard it. Liver
FAQ - Eat a squirrel!
There are ways of checking if a squirrel is safe to eat. Though a delicacy in some locales, we advise against eating squirrel brains, as their consumption can cause a fatal, incurable neurodegenerative disorder in humans.
Skinning & cleaning - Eat a squirrel!
After the squirrel is killed, it must be cleaned and prepared prior to cooking. Cleaning involves two steps: skinning and field dressing. Skinning is the separating of the muscle from the skin, and field dressing is the removal of its organs.
Storage - Eat a squirrel!
Squirrel meat can be stored in plastic Ziploc storage bags (not sandwich bags) and refrigerated for up to 3 days. Since squirrel is wild game, the meat will toughen up the longer it is refrigerated. As with other meat products, do not eat any squirrel meat older than 3 days.
Trapping - Eat a squirrel!
Squirrel traps, and animal traps in general come in two kinds: kill traps and live traps. Kill traps are designed to kill the animal as soon as, or shortly after, the animal triggers the trap. These include mousetraps, body-grip traps, and electrocution traps.
Dispatching - Eat a squirrel!
When grabbing the squirrel it is best to grab it by the torso or firmly by one of the hind legs. Never grab a squirrel by the tail as their tailskin can come off leaving you with lots of fur and no animal. Methods of dispatching Gunshot. This is the most humane way of killing a squirrel, Shoot the squirrel in the head right above the brain.
Squirrel news | Eat a squirrel!
While the number of people who regularly eat squirrel is small in comparison to other popular game animals, squirrels occasionally make the news as delicious, organic sources of food. Here is a sampling of some articles discussing the trend.
The many benefits of eating squirrels | Eat a squirrel!
Jun 21, 2021 · Pound for pound, squirrel meat packs more protein than beef or chicken. It’s free. If you live in an urban area, chances are there are squirrels all around you. With prices of supermarket meat rising, squirrel meat is an economical alternative as long as you know how to do it and as long as it’s within your local laws. It’s organic
Squirrel liver | Eat a squirrel!
Pan-fried squirrel liver, served Michelin style, with garnish of olive oil, ground black pepper, ketchup, and parsley leaf With multiple livers, serve as an appetizer. No dipping sauce needed!