Pros and Cons of Easter Eggers - BackYard Chickens
Apr 20, 2013 · Welp I actually have no idea what kind of chickens I have after waaay too many internet searches. I was told they were Easter eggers and I have such a mixed bag of personalities its a bit like Dynasty!! I have 2 hens that are friendly, pettable, and very curious about me..they run to me when I head out to the coop.
Easter Egger chick colors? - BackYard Chickens
May 13, 2013 · our 4 day old Sunshine. I am curious, will her/his legs change color? Right now they are yellow, but her dad is an easter egger and mom is a maran. will the legs turn to the slate color? With the heat lamp, her coloring is off, but she/he is yellow with some reddish possibly.
Easter Egger- Longevity questions - BackYard Chickens
Jan 11, 2011 · Chickens in a natural life can live far over 10 years old. Easter Eggers can vary, really. Mine from Murray McMurray wouldn't last beyond 1 yr, the last one I culled at 2 yrs old to find she had internal laying going on, meaning she could've passed away anytime soon if I didn't "aid" in her passing.
easter egger - what to cross? - BackYard Chickens
Dec 29, 2014 · Easter Eggers do vary a lot, as they are cross-breeds, they usually show a similar shape to them. They often have a beard, a long tail that curves up in hens, green/grey legs, a pea comb, and a similar weight to them. Because of these reasons, creating an Easter Egger means selecting for good egg laying, egg color, as well as the birds appearance.
Breeding Easter Eggers | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Oct 5, 2012 · It's fine to breed an Easter Egger roo to an Easter Egger pullet. You'll get beautiful Easter Egger chicks. As for the predicting the phenotype of the offspring, we need photos of your birds.
Easter Egger so Loud! | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Oct 28, 2020 · New to the site and a huge fan. I recently started raising chickens of my own this year. Hobby I always wanted to pick up since a lot of my family members use to raise them. I live in a suburb so fairly close to neighbors. I have 9 hens, 8 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Easter Egger.
Easter egger without muffs and beard - BackYard Chickens
Jun 23, 2018 · howdy, I posted this question in another forum but it may have been the wrong one. I have a new EE (the yellow chick in the photo, in front of the blue ameraucana and the polish) from my pet chicken. She has no beard or muffs but I can see that she has a pea comb and her legs are very green...
Easter Egger Silver x Laced Wyandotte. Anyone have ... - BackYard …
Mar 7, 2013 · I hatched some this fall that ended up full siblings. Dad is Silver laced Wyandotte. Mom is EE. I don't think they would be sexlinked, but I thought the girl was all SL/W until I saw her beard. Here are the babies.. Male Female Now as 11 week olds Pullet Cockeral (I think he is...
Difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas ... - BackYard …
Dec 23, 2020 · "Olive Egger" is a subsection of Easter Egger. They are chickens bred to lay olive eggs. Common mixes are Welsummer x Cream Legbar, and Marans x Ameraucanas, but can be any mix of a dark egg layer and any blue layer. Now don't be fooled, Easter Eggers are incredible birds. I love both Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas.
Hoover’s new 2021 “Easter Eggers” - BackYard Chickens
Jun 13, 2020 · “Our Easter Eggers are a combination of the traditional American Easter Eggers, which typically has a pea comb, beard and green legs, along with the European version of Easter Eggers, which are called Grünleger, which typically have yellow legs, a single comb, and commonly a tuft on its head. The Grünleger are a hybrid cross between a ...