Clyde, NC
Grab a bite at Clyde's cozy cafes and local diners for a taste of small-town charm surrounded by the beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains.
Community Engagement - Clyde, NC
Leaving a Message in Downtown Clyde. Several volunteers stenciled a message on stormdrains downtown Clyde - “Don’t Dump Drains To Pigeon River.” - with brightly colored spray paint to make sure the message was visible to anyone walking by.
Zoning Map - Clyde, NC
Clyde, NC 28721. Normal Operating Hours. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666. Emergency: 911
Permit Fees - Clyde, NC
Clyde, NC 28721. Normal Operating Hours. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666. Emergency: 911
Flood Info - clydenc.us
Clyde, NC 28721. Normal Operating Hours. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666. Emergency: 911
Contact - Clyde, NC
Clyde, NC 28721. Normal Operating Hours. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666. Emergency: 911
Stormwater Management - clydenc.us
The Town of Clyde’s Stormwater Management Plan guides the management of stormwater runoff from our properties and roads. The goal is to reduce pollution and protect local waterways in compliance with our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act.
Stream Erosion - clydenc.us
Clyde, NC 28721. Normal Operating Hours. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666. Emergency: 911
Town Boards & Commission
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Clyde Town Hall located at 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde, NC 28721. All meetings are open to the public. Town Hall: 828-627-2566
Pay Bills Online for Clyde, North Carolina
Pay Bills Online for Clyde, North Carolina Conveniently pay your utility bills and taxes for Clyde, NC online or by phone. Avoid service interruptions by ensuring full payment of your account balance.