formula - Excel: Scalar product of two ranges - Stack Overflow
Mar 28, 2014 · Excel SUMPRODUCT formula - tutorialThe sum-product formula syntax is very simple. It takes 1 or more arrays of numbers and gets the sum of products of corresponding numbers.
Dot product between row vectors by MMULT not working in Excel
Nov 22, 2013 · I am using Excel to do some dot product between two row vectors: =MMULT (B1049:M1049, TRANSPOSE (B1050:M1050)) But it does not work, as the cell for the formula shows "#VALUE!".
Vector dot-product | MrExcel Message Board
Aug 10, 2002 · Hi Is there a built-in function to do dot products in excel? ie: multiply two vectors, point for point and return the sum as a single number. eg: =DotProduct(A1..A4,B1..B4) will return a1*b1 + a2*b2 + a3*b3 + a4*b4 Thanks
Creating a Function to Compute the Dot Product in VBA
Mar 28, 2020 · I have been trying for hours to create a function that will find the dot product of two independent columns. I have very limited knowledge in VBA and my...
VBA Code for Multiplying/Adding two Excel Cells
Jun 10, 2014 · Hello, What VBA Code should I use to multiply two excel cells separated by commas and return the dot product? Ex. Cell A1 = 1,0.512,2 Cell B1 = 25,3,1 Cell...
EXCEL VBA: Dot Product using Arrays - Stack Overflow
Below is example code which is an excerpt from a larger whole. I am attempting to compute the dot product of vectors beta and Xtempj which should be a scalar and then to multiple the resulting scal...
what exactly is the mathematical function behind excel's …
Many excel users won't be familiar with the term "dot product" (which is generally not introduced until tertiary education in maths/science) and, as you've pointed out, it's not strictly accurate for two dimensional ranges.
arrays - Excel (formula only no VBA) Dot Product using MMULT or ...
May 10, 2024 · Fundamental Constraint: I do not want to 'expend' cells to do this and do this complete with 'formulas' not VBA. Question: Is there a way to use SUMPRODUCT or MMULT function to calculate dot produc...
Is there a way to perform a cross join or Cartesian product in excel?
Nov 18, 2014 · You have 3 dimensions here: dim1 (ABC), dim2 (123), dim3 (XYZ). Here is how you make a cartesian product of 2 dimensions using standard Excel and no VBA: 1) Plot dim1 vertically and dim2 horizontally. Concatenate dimension members on the intersections: 2) Unpivoting data. Launch pivot table wizard using ALT-D-P (don't hold ALT, press it once). Pick "Multiple consolidation ranges" --> create a ...
excel - In what situations can't I use SUMPRODUCT instead of …
Feb 20, 2014 · Is "dot product" for vectors? SUMPRODUCT can still use matrices - as long as they are the same size and shape, e.g. =SUMPRODUCT(A1:D5,E2:H6) - 30 is the limit in Excel 2003, don't know why but also applies to many other functions - in later versions the limit is 255