Doctor Stock - Prescription strength photography and illistration.
Doctor Stock is a leading provider of stock photos and illustrations specifically relevant to ad agencies, designers, photo editors searching for health care and healthy living images.
Uterine Rupture - Doctor Stock
Uterine Rupture (Ruptured Uterus) with Maternal Bleeding. This medical illustration series depicts side by side comparisons of early and late stage maternal hemorrhage secondary to an anterior uterine wall rupture from an old cesarean section scar.
Circulatory System Diagram | Doctor Stock
This medical exhibit pictures the primary circulatory system anatomy within the male body from an anterior (front) view. A detailed box enlargement of the thorax and upper abdomen clearly reveal the heart, major arteries and veins. Labels identify the heart, arteries (red) and veins (blue).
EDT00012 | Doctor Stock
This medical illustration shows the skull and cervical vertebra from an inferior oblique angle. The skull is shown in extreme rotation to the left.
Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis with Surgical Repair - Doctor Stock
This multiple image exhibit features images illustrating unilateral (left) vocal cord paralysis, followed by surgical images detailing the correction by placement of a silastic implant device.
Muscle Fiber | Doctor Stock
This full color stock medical illustration diagram visualizes the anatomy of a muscle. The muscle fasciculus, muscle fiber, nerve and blood vessels supplying the muscle are clearly illustrated.
Female Figure: Anterior View - Doctor Stock
This full color medical illustration pictures the primary surface anatomy of the female body shown from a anterior view. It features a single full standing white female figure from the left side with arms to the side and palms facing forward in a standard anatomical position.
Occipital Nerve Block Injection | Doctor Stock
Headache Pain - Occipital Neuralgia with Nerve Block Injection.
Colostomy Procedure - Doctor Stock
Colostomy Procedure. Accurate depiction of colorectal surgery beginning with a midline incision of the abdomen. Colon is mobilized and transected at the rectal margin. The free end of the colon is passed through the abdominal wall and stitched with sutures. The incision is then closed and a colostomy bag is placed over the free margin to collect fecal material.
The Nervous System - Doctor Stock
This medical exhibit pictures both an orientation and an enlarged view of the brain, spinal cord and associated peripheral nerves from an anterior (front) view. Labels identify the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.