Dr. Romantic | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki
Because of why he wants to become a doctor, he ends up getting reassigned to a small but terrific Doldam Hospital alongside his co-worker crush, Seo Jung. The two of them work on the hardest cases together while learning from the country's best surgeon.
Kim, el Doctor Romántico | Ve con subtítulos en español y más en …
Cuando Dong Joo y Seo Jung Kim conocen al peculiar profesor, sus vidas y sus carreras nunca volverán a ser lo mismo. "Kim, el Doctor Romántico" es una serie dramática de Corea del Sur de 2016-2017 dirigida por Yoo En Shik.
Dr. Romantic | Ve con subtítulos en español y más en Viki
Because of why he wants to become a doctor, he ends up getting reassigned to a small but terrific Doldam Hospital alongside his co-worker crush, Seo Jung. The two of them work on the hardest cases together while learning from the country's best surgeon.
Dr. Romantic | Assista com Legendas em Português | Viki
Medicine and romance combine in Dr. Romantic, as top medic Han Seok Kyu becomes a mentor to the hospital’s talented young doctors Yoo Yeon Seok and Seo Hyun Jin!
Dr. Romantic | Sous-titres français et autres... | Viki
Lorsqu'un chirurgien réputé renonce à son poste prestigieux pour devenir un médecin de quartier, son entourage apprend le vrai sens de la vie.
Dr. Romantic 2 | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki
Brilliant surgeon Han Suk Kyu takes Ahn Hyo Seop and Lee Sung Kyung under his wing in the 2019 South Korean medical romance series, “Dr. Romantic 2.”
Dr. Romantic | Streaming con Sottotitoli su Viki
Quando Dong Joo e Seo Jung incontrano l'eccentrico Maestro Kim, la loro vita e la loro carriera non sarà mai più la stessa. "Romantic dottor Kim" è una serie drammatica 2016-2017 coreana diretto da Yoo In Shik.
Dr. Romántico 2 | Ve con subtítulos en español y más en Viki
El genial doctor Han Suk Kyu toma al joven cirujano cardíaco Lee Sung Kyung bajo su ala, ¡en un equipo de médicos cuyo negocio es salvar vidas!
浪漫醫生金師傅 2 | 韓國 | 劇情 | 搭配英文字幕觀賞及更多功能
天才醫生 Han Suk Kyu 將熱血的外科醫生 Lee Sung Kyung 收編在自己羽翼下,進入一支以拯救生命為職責的醫師團隊!
Dr. Romantic | Rakuten Viki
Seo Jung is a skilled doctor who is plagued by hallucinations that remind her of a traumatic past mistake. As Teacher Kim guides them through their own personal and professional struggles, he also helps them grow into top medics.