Spirit of Steel: The Crusader's Handbook [WIP] - Giant in the ...
Dec 31, 2010 · I'd make a Half-Orc Crusader or Gnome Crusader long before a Grey Elf Crusader. Note that a first-level Crusader automatically gets all but one available maneuver. Personally, I'd pick Stone Bones, even though it ages quickly, rather than getting Vanguard Strike and Leading the Attack, since they're identical.
[3.5] 1d2 Crusader? - Giant in the Playground Forums
Dec 18, 2009 · There's a stance a crusader can enter that says he for each damage die that comes up as maximum, he gets to roll one more damage die. if that one comes up max, you roll another, etc.... If you combine this stance with a certain feat/power/something, that lets you reroll ones on your damage die, and you have a weapon that does 1d2 damage, it ...
[3.5] Crusader build and question - Giant in the Playground Forums
I'm building this character at level 5, and I've been wanting to try out a Crusader for a while. I'm wondering what the Playground thinks of my build, and have a few questions like what type of armor to wear and if there are any magic items that would help beyond the obvious Healing Belt, Ring of Protection, etc. Stats were rolled, and I was lucky enough to get 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 11.
[3.5] Feats for a Crusader. - Giant in the Playground Forums
Crusader is the best melee class to do this with, imo. The best. He'll want to focus on the lockdown line of feats. For an 11th level Crusader I'd recommend something like: If human toss in Exotic weapon proficiency spiked chain, otherwise, use a guisarme for the improved reach and armor spikes in case enemies get inside your held weapon range.
Divine Crusader PrC <3.5> - Giant in the Playground Forums
Apr 10, 2010 · Divine Crusader + Sovereign Speaker (Faiths of Eberron) makes Divine Crusader slightly more playable and more powerful. If you do Paladin 7/ Divine Crusader 1/ Sovereign Speaker 9/ Contemplative 1/ Sacred Exorcist 1/ Warpriest 1 - you'll actually have a spell list of 117 spells (9 spells per domain x 13 domains) and be able to do DMM.
Warblade vs Crusader - Giant in the Playground Forums
May 11, 2011 · Crusader has access to better disciplines (the Disciplines are generally ranked Devoted Spirit > White Raven > Shadow Hand > others > Desert Wind > Stone Dragon, though it must be said that in every case it is only "very slightly better than" and a heavily-physical party can easily make White Raven better than Devoted Spirit), and a far better ...
The Crusader and Stances - Giant in the Playground Forums
Aug 14, 2011 · Random Melee Classes 6/Crusader 14 is quite strong by RAW for this reason, since you pick up your stances at better times. Even something as simple as Crusader 1/Dungeoncrasher Fighter 6/Crusader +13 will handle really well in a lot of conditions. You can also take a Paladin 2 dip for Divine Grace in there somewhere if you want.
Warblade, Swordsage, Crusader - Which is better? - Giant in the ...
Feb 5, 2012 · I think it's really closer to Crusader > Warblade > Swordsage to most people I've seen talking about them, but I also think the reasoning is slightly misleading; Crusader and Warblade are more useful than Swordsage as part of builds because they bring a lot of awesome low-action-requirement options to builds that already have something else to be doing.
The Divine Crusader: Divine Fighter, Paladin, and Champion All In …
Sep 23, 2013 · Divine Crusader ‘My judgement is that of the gods, wretch. Do not question me.’ Background: Divine Crusaders are those, in short, who fight for a cause. For many of them, this is a religious cause, serving as more martial clerics. But Divine Crusaders can also be champions of nature, of the downtrodden, or equally masters of industry or death.
Crusader vs. Paladin - Giant in the Playground Forums
Sep 7, 2012 · Had the paladin been released at the end of 3.5's run (and no, I don't consider the Crusader a "paladin released at the end of 3.5's run; the frickin' class description makes them stand side to side with the core Paladin, and I'll agree only after I see an officially errata'ed version of the Player's Handbook that replaces the Paladin with the ...