620 Chair Programme | Vitsœ
Dieter Rams designed the 620 Chair Programme as a modular kit of parts. Separate chairs can become a sofa; a low back can be changed for a high back; and a swivel base can replace castors and feet. Rams speaks of “wanting to achieve the comfort of a classic armchair while remaining visually light”.
621 Table | Vitsœ - Dieter Rams
Dieter Rams designed the 621 Table for Vitsœ in 1962, not only as the partner to the 620 Chair Programme, but as a series of large and small surfaces that can be used almost universally. The table was re-engineered with Rams in 2014 for modern manufacturing.
621 Table | Vitsœ
Dieter Rams designed the 621 Table for Vitsœ in 1962, not only as the partner to the 620 Chair Programme, but as a series of large and small surfaces that can be used almost universally. The table was re-engineered with Rams in 2014 for modern manufacturing.
Dieter Rams | About us | Vitsœ
About the life and career of Dieter Rams, designer of many of the 20th century's seminal products for the home.
Konfigurieren und bestellen | Sesselprogramm 620 | Vitsœ
Dieter Rams hat das Sesselprogramm 620 im Jahr 1962 für Vitsoe entworfen. Wie unser Regalsystem ist es ein modularer Bausatz, in dem mehr steckt, als der erste Blick offenbart. Erfahren Sie mehr
Songs, and the important things in life | Editorial 1 | Vitsœ
Vitsoe Voice meets John Harris and Camilla Nicholls following their recent move, redecoration and furnishing of their flat in the Barbican, City of London.
Buy | 621 Table | Vitsœ
Designed by Dieter Rams for Vitsœ in 1962 Nesting pair EUR 500.00. Off-white Black
Dieter Rams | Über Uns | Vitsœ
Leben und Werk von Dieter Rams, der als Designer viele ikonische Produkte des 20. Jahrhunderts prägte.
A family framework | Editorial 1 | Vitsœ - Dieter Rams
We’ve had the same bed and sofa for decades, granted, they were expensive at the time, but it was worth doing. With Vitsœ, people have asked us about the cost, but I’ve never felt embarrassed. The way I see it: buy cheap, buy twice.”
Dieter Rams wird 90 | Magazin 1 | Vitsœ
Dieter Rams, einer der einflussreichsten Industriedesigner des 20. Jahrhunderts, feiert am 20. Mai 2022 seinen 90. Geburtstag. Auch wenn er inzwischen Abstand genommen hat von öffentlichen Auftritten, bleibt er seinen Prinzipien und seinem Engagement für verantwortungsvolles Design leidenschaftlich verbunden.