What Is the Seven-Headed Wild Beast of Revelation Chapter 13?
(Revelation 13:17, 18) That expression indicates that the beast of Revelation chapter 13 is a human entity, not a spirit or demon entity. Even though nations may agree on few things, they …
Jesus Performs Miracles in Capernaum | Life of Jesus - JW.ORG
I know exactly who you are, the Holy One of God!” Rebuking the demon who is controlling the man, Jesus says: “Be silent, and come out of him!” —Mark 1:24, 25. At that, the wicked spirit …
请问恶魔(英语里应该是Demon)与魔鬼(英语中为Devil)在西方 …
这个问题如果从语言学上来说,demon指的是比神低的超自然代理人或智能,服侍的灵;而devil指的是假神、异教徒的神。所以,demon偏重于有实体的邪恶造物,而devil更偏重于强大而邪恶 …
Oppose Satan the Devil (James 4:7) - JW.ORG
If we chose movies, music, or books about spirit mediums, magic spells, demon possession, witches, vampires, or similar subjects, Satan and the demons would know that we are curious …
Where Does the Devil Live? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
The Bible reveals that there was a war in heaven and that Satan was thrown down to the earth. Does the Devil live in a specific place on earth? The Bible gives the answer.
Acts 16 | Online Bible | New World Translation
with a spirit, a demon of divination: Lit., “with a spirit of python.” Python was the name of the mythical snake or dragon that guarded the temple and oracle of Delphi, Greece. The Greek …
Luke 8 | Online Bible | New World Translation
a demon-possessed man: Matthew mentions two men, but Mark and Luke refer to one. Mark and Luke evidently drew attention to just one demon-possessed man because Jesus spoke to him …
“Step Over Into Macedonia” (Acts 16:9) - JW.ORG
The demon may have made the girl cry out these words to make it appear that her predictions and Paul’s teachings came from the same source. In that way, onlookers’ attention could be …
demon和devil有什么区别? - 知乎
demon最早只是指各种魔法灵存在。比如阿拉丁神灯里面的灯神,就属于demon。demon最早是无邪恶内涵的。在基督教席卷欧洲后,开始打击异教,将非基督的灵都归为demon,并且慢慢污 …
Did God Create the Devil? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
The Bible shows that God did not create the Devil. Instead, He created the person who became the Devil. Regarding God, the Bible says: “Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are