Custom Guitar Case (DIY!) : 14 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
We are using a very traditional design for a generic case which provides support of the neck of the guitar, space for two mini cases which can be used to store picks, cables, or tuners, and ample space for the headstock and body.
How To Build An All-In-One Rack For Your Band! - Gear Gods
May 20, 2019 · This video shows everything that the rack does and what it’s used for. The intention was to have a rack that we can bring to a show, plug in the vocal mics, one monitor cable for drums, and keyboard setup, and just pretty much go.
How to Build a DIY Rack Case (and Why) - UMA Technology
Dec 25, 2024 · By following the steps outlined in this article and using high-quality materials, you can create a custom rack case that perfectly fits your equipment and meets your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to save money, customize your equipment storage, or simply enjoy a fun project, building a DIY rack case is a great option to consider.
Building Rack Cases - HomeRecording.com
Jul 22, 2002 · Hi, I decided to build my own rack case because those SKB cases are way too expensive. I need to build a portable and very sturdy case, so I bought 12U rack ears (or rack flanges? I'm not really sure what they're called) so that …
DIY Guitar Case Rack - HomeRecording.com
Mar 24, 2019 · I got tired of case clog, so I built a rack to house some of them. The design is very basic but repeatable, expandable, and can be constructed to fit most shapes and sizes. I suppose you could stack them and even make them longer, but it …
Making a Perfect Guitar Case Rack on Your Own
Build a custom guitar case rack without breaking the bank. Learn how to make a diy guitar case rack that holds all your instruments in perfect harmony
10 DIY Guitar Stand Plans You Can Make Today (with Pictures)
Feb 20, 2024 · If you are an devoted guitar lover, you might be a bit particular about how you store your instrument. Keep your guitar safe with one of these free DIY stand plans.
DIY rack case? - TalkBass.com
Jul 6, 2007 · Plywood rack cases are really heavy - and a hassel to build - like you mentioned with building a bass cab - won't be any cheaper when you figure out the cost of materials and your time! I'd go with plastic for a small 4U case - SKB, Gator, etc...
DIY home-made Rack case for $40 - forums.prosoundweb.com
Sep 24, 2006 · I wanted a 10-16U rack case for me gear. now the big problem was to me that the price tag of one of theese buggers is around $250. MY remedy to this issue was to build my own and save about 100-200$ and thats a great thing for me
Easy and super-unexpensive DIY rack case - TalkBass.com
Nov 17, 2018 · I'm looking for some design idea to build a 19" rack case with the most basic DIY kit possible (like: cutter, hammer, hacksaw. Nothing expensive, I should buy them specifically for this project)?