How to print in IPPSA? : r/army - Reddit
Mar 29, 2023 · https://medpros.mods.army.mil/portal/ Once you log in, you'll scroll down and look under "Forms" column and click on "IMR Record" That document produces the physical date and PHA. Unless you are looking to go to a specialized school requiring specific physical, this document will suffice.
DTMS Issue : r/army - Reddit
Oct 6, 2020 · A Soldier’s individual weapon qualification previously recorded (prior to 01 October 2020) on the legacy qualifications forms DA Forms (88, 3595, 5789, & 7304), and the new replacement DA Forms (7801, 7814, 7811, FLW Form 21) will transfer from DTMS to Human Resources Command system Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) and then to ...
Memo on EST Qual? : r/army - Reddit
Jan 19, 2022 · Not a memo. TC 3-20.40 DA FORM 7801, RIFLE, CARBINE, AND AUTOMATIC RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP SCORECARD B-19. The trainer uses the DA Form 7801, (Rifle, Carbine, and Automatic Rifle Marksmanship Scorecard), (see figures B-11 and B-12, on page B-19) to record the firer’s performance on either Table V, practice or Table VI, qualification.
Da 7814 : r/army - Reddit
Dec 7, 2020 · the legacy forms DA Forms (88, 3595, 5789, &7304). In order to receive promotion points Soldiers DTMS record must be updated using these forms. NOTE: DA Form (7814/7801) have not been designated as authorized forms for promotion points IAW HQDA EXORD 241-19.
r/army on Reddit: M17 Qual giving 0 points on PPW? Can …
Nov 25, 2020 · the legacy forms DA Forms (88, 3595, 5789, &7304). In order to receive promotion points Soldiers DTMS record must be updated using these forms. NOTE: DA Form (7814/7801) have not been designated as authorized forms for promotion points IAW HQDA EXORD 241-19.
r/army on Reddit: So my apft updated in my ppw within 3days but …
Apr 26, 2021 · the legacy forms DA Forms (88, 3595, 5789, &7304). In order to receive promotion points Soldiers DTMS record must be updated using these forms. NOTE: DA Form (7814/7801) have not been designated as authorized forms for promotion points IAW HQDA EXORD 241-19.
DTMS Issue : r/army - Reddit
Oct 28, 2020 · We’re having an issue with DTMS and the new DA Form 7801. We followed the steps HQDA G1 put out but promotion points still won’t populate to the PPW. The soldiers qualified after 1 Oct 20 so the legacy forms wasn’t an option.
Another dtms question : r/army - Reddit
Sep 10, 2019 · The new m4a1/m4 qual is recorded on a da form 7801, but dtms doesnt have that form available to insert record fire scores yet. Anyone know when it'll be available Archived post.
How to make DA forms accessible without Adobe : r/army - Reddit
Apr 2, 2023 · The ability to access the forms and docs on mobile devices is critical. Even the Adobe app on Androis/iOS will not open some army forms. While there are ways to support this with a conversion from Adobe, done in advance, it cannot be done on mobile on the spot. The Army has made it impossible not to have Adobe installed.
Walk-through document/ppt for DA Form 7301-R retirement
Jul 15, 2022 · I'm trying to fill out my DA Form 7301-R for retirement computation. The form claims I can go to AR 600-8-24 for instructions, but that's a fuckin' lie, ain't no instructions in there. I'm guessing I can go in to SFL-TAP and get some help, but it'd be nice if I could just hunker down with my records and at least get a rough copy going.